Chapter 20 - Promise 🔞

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Sarawat's POV

I can't believe what just happened hours ago. Tine and I got back together. We even had our promise rings and now we were both in the bed cuddling naked after we had make love with each other. Well, that's a story for you all not to know.


"Yes?" He said as he looked up at me while he was on my arms.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"Why are you so cute?" I teased him



"Can I ask you to promise me one thing?" He asked


"Don't hurt and leave me again" he said and I can sense fear on his tone. Fear of me leaving him again.

"I promise I won't never EVER leave you again. Believe me leaving you is the biggest mistake I have ever made on my whole life" I said sincerely as I saw him smile. So cute. I want to tease him so I smirked evily.

"So, uhh can you walk tomorrow? Mom said she'll visit tomorrow " I pretended to make an appointment with my mom to see what will be the reaction of Tine.

"Wh-what? Why didn't you tell me?! What would be your mom's reaction if he saw me in this condition? We are dead" I just laugh watching his reaction and then he asked me confused.

"What are you laughing at? What's funny?"


"What do you mean?"

"I'm just teasing you chillax. Mom already came here yesterday" I said and then I heard Tine sighed with relief.

"But, why need to tease me? There's no need for that. You scared me there" he said and pouted. He look so damn cute. I want to bite and lick him so hard. And oh, this nuisance won't stop putting his pouty face to me whenever I would say go to sleep.

"Would you stop pouting and sleep or would you like to be kissed til you drop?" I said as I got my face dangerously to him.

"Kiss til I drop? You have been saying that for a year now and I haven't even dropped yet" he said

Challenging me, huh? Well, I'll give him the taste of his own medicine.

"Are you challenging me? Want to drop, right? Come here"

"I--" I didn't let him finish and quickly claimed his lips.

I kissed him hard and passionate. It was a deep kiss so I had to pour all my energy and enthusiasm into it. I savoured every inch of his mouth and I enjoyed sucking his tongue and licking his teeth ravagely. He was not budging at all but, when he was a bit out of breath he wanted to stop. But, I have no intention of stopping at all.

I left his mouth for a short while to give him air and then go back to kissing him again. This time, he was fighting back. He grabbed a fist full of my hair and he deepen more the kiss. He was biting my lower lip and I let him do so while I was busy exploring his mouth.

After competing on who kisses better, eventually I won. Because Tine was the first one to withdraw.

"Okay, sleep or would you like me to do it again more harder?" I asked again with threatening eyes.

"Sleep" he said as he snuggled again on my arms. I hugged him from behind and we both drifted off to sleep.

(Morning comes)

Tine's POV

The sun rays came passing by into the corner of my eyes from the blinds waking me up. I was still exhausted because of my 'activity' with Sarawat last night. I still don't want to wake up but this annoying guy beside me keeps on waking me up to make breakfast for the both of us. But, I know he's just teasing me.



"...." I didn't heard any response from the other person but, instead I felt something heavy on top of me. It was when I opened my eyes when I saw Sarawat climbing on top of me.

"Ouch! Wat, stop it hurts"

"Make breakfast or would you like me to repeat what we have done last night?" He said and I blushed

"Stop with that pervish thought I'm still sore from last night" I tried my best to act cute so he will let me go but, seems like this man is so dense. Instead, he kissed me. His hands started to travel around my body, and I know what he is trying to do so I stopped him.

"Stop! Fine I'll make breakfast" I said and in conclusion I have to make breakfast for him to stop.

"I'm hungry"

"Okay, get off me so I could start working on the meal"

"Fine, but make sure to do it fast or else I would have no choice but to eat you instead" he said as he smirked and drop a peck on my lips. I just shook my head and headed to the kitchen. Guess, some things also never change like Sarawat acting like a baby.

(Time skipped)

After we both have eaten our meal, took a bath, wear our uniforms, we headed to school.

My gang were surprised because Sarawat and I arrived both with the same car. But, I told them the truth that Sarawat and I are together again. As usual, they were happy for us. but, their teasing would not be set aside.

Sarawat also chatted me that he'll be late to pick me up on my class for a bit because P'Dim had said that he still has some papers left to do for the transfering of the club president. He also told me that he also told his friends that we are dating again.

As for me today, I have no afternoon class. Therefore, it's time to rest with my gang in cafe tun which where we all are right now. I did nothing much except for waiting on Sarawat. I surfed my phone and listen to music to kill time. I clicked the Instagram app and to my surprise my phone were almost crashing because of so many popping notifications.

I got like almost 2,000 notifications on my phone and it was then when my eyes found the source of this phenomenon. Sarawat Posted a photo and to my surprise, it was a photo of me and I just woke up in the bed. He tagged me in the photo which had a caption of

"Good morning" on it but, I didn't remember when did he took the photo.

"Good morning" on it but, I didn't remember when did he took the photo

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Hi lovelies! How was your day? And what did you think about this chapter? Did you like it? Also, I have a sad news for you all and it's also a sad one for me but, I have Decided that this story is almost on its end. But, don't worry cause I'll be writing a new one as soon as possible. That's all. So as usual Comment your thoughts!

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