Chapter 13 - Cool off?!💔

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Tine's POV

She kissed me!

When I fully realised what she was doing I quickly pushed her away and I wipe my lips with the back of my palm. I looked at her in disgust, anger, and disbelief.

how could she kissed me just like that even though she knew I already had a relationship ?

I know I needed to still help her from the man but, I lose my temper now she past my limits. I looked at the man and admitted him the truth

"Look, I don't care who you are and about what I said earlier I take it back! Rain was not my girlfriend. You can have her back" I said and I grabbed Rain's arm and threw her into the man and he immediately caught her.

I looked around and apologized to all of the people that we bothered for that scandalous scene. I looked around and suddenly 3 girls caught my attention they looked familiar.

And when I was about to get closer to them they ran away. And I recognise 2 of them they were Rain's friends the one that we met on the bar yesterday.

Wait! Did they took a photo of me and Rain kissing? Did they? When I realised the possibilities I chased after them and they ran away as fast as they could and I couldn't reach them. I returned back to the restaurant and I saw the man with Rain.

Wait! Do they know each other?

I hid behind the small table and eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Great acting!" Rain exclaimed as she high fived the man


"Now this time I'm fully sure that Tine and Sarawat will be apart for good. Now, that Savannah and Erica are on the way to post the picture on Instagram so, Sarawat would have the message clear" Rain added

So it was all acting? She bumping on that man was actually on purpose. And all of the mess and the kiss was planned for Sarawat to see that I was cheating on him?

And her friends? They took a photo?

Irritated, I came out of my spot and I banged my hand on the table. They both looked at me startled and scared.

"T-tine y-you were there?" Rain asked half scared.

"Yes! And I knew all of what you've done. So, all this time you just wanted to get close to me because you wanted me and Sarawat to break apart?!" I shouted

"Hey! Stop that" the man was now interfering with my business with Rain. The man was babbling nonsense and started telling lies about Rain. I closed my eyes and the man still didn't stopped talking until I couldn't hold it anymore. I punched the man on the floor and with that the man passed out.

Rain was shocked with what I did

"T-tine" Rain said shocked and as I can't control my anger anymore I slapped her hard on the face and she held his already red face.

"You shit! What did I do wrong to the world to met a people like you?! Ever since I met you again my life became hell! All I wanted was for us to be okay! But shit Rain! I never do anything on you for you to do something to me, To Sarawat!" I kept shouting at her as she cried continuously. She got a hold of herself  and faced me.

"I'm sorry Tine! But what's done is done! Can't you understand that I don't want you for Sarawat? I want you for myself. you're only mine" she snapped at me and she walked away

I cried on my knees hopeless and didn't know what to do.

Sarawat's POV

It was already 5:46pm. I was watching Tv while waiting for Tine when my phone pop out on hundreds of notifications. Normally, I wouldn't be bother to check it since it's just from my fans. But, it really got me curious when I saw one of my fans said something about Tine.

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