Chapter 16 - letting go

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Sarawat's POV

I've gone out of the bathroom with Earn then we both sat on the table where Man and boss were they looked at each other and they both give me the 'so, it was the reason' look.

"What's up with you guys? Why are you two looking at me like that?" I asked them.

"So that was the reason" Boss said as he was pointing on me and Earn. We both exchange looks.

"What's about us?" Earn asked

"Well, Tine was here awhile ago. He said he'll just go in the bathroom but, when he returned. He picked up his stuff and he looked like he was about to cry" Man explained and I was dumbfounded by his words.

Tine was here?

"Maybe Tine saw you both with each other and misunderstood something" Boss added

And I sighed. He was right, knowing Tine he will misunderstood it.

"He also has a broken left arm" Man said and that caught my attention. Is that why the mirror was broken in our apartment? He punched it?

Tine's POV

That should be me - Justin Bieber

That should be me, holding your hand
That should be me, making you laugh
That should be me, this is so sad
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me, feeling your kiss
That should be me, buying you gifts
This is so wrong

I can't go on
Till you believe
That should be me
That should be me

My tears were rolling on my eyes while I was driving as the car music started playing the song.

I cried so hard as I remember the memories the day we broke up.

That should be me holding your hand Sarawat.

That should be me making you laugh not her.

That should be me the one your hugging right now.

I need to know should I fight for our love or disarm?

That should be me feeling your kiss

After thinking for awhile I stopped the car as it was about to be hit by another car luckily, I pulled off.

I cried as i was back to reality. I drove back and soon enough I saw where I was going.

The football field....

I head out of the car and I stood in the middle of the football field reminiscing the memories.

All I can see in my surroundings right now was Sarawat playing football, when he threw his jersey for me to catch and wash. When I was standing there cheering for him whenever he plays.

I screamed in the field at this hour of the night and I cried so hard and I fell to my knees. I punched the ground and dust until I felt my wounds reopen.

I looked at my hand and the bandage with the gauze itself was covered with dust and blood. The stitched reopened and was now bleeding uncontrollably.

I didn't pay attention to my hand as because my heart was more in pain I looked at my right arm and the bracelet Sarawat made was still there. I didn't left it to him because I thought maybe it wasn't all true.

But after realising it, I knew that it's the truth and I had to accept it. Sarawat has found himself someone who could love him and that is Earn.

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