Chapter 22 - Where it all began

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Sarawat's POV

Ever since I met Tine at that time in high school. I never thought what would we be someday. I never knew that one day he'll also love me back. Him Loving me is more than enough reason to answer why I exist in this world.

I love what we are right now and I don't want to lose everything we have right now. We have been in a relationship for a year and i obviously wanted to take our relationship in a whole new level.

A relationship to which it will be only us in each others worlds. Yes, it is to marry him.

That one year we spent with each other is enough for me to know that I am making the right decision.

"Do you think he would like this?" I asked Man and boss as we were in the mall buying a ring.

"He would, stop worrying" Boss answered

"I just want to buy Tine the perfect ring" I mumbled

"Wat, you don't have to buy a perfect ring for Tine. No matter what ring it is, he must accept it if he truly loves you" Man said

he was right about that but, still I want this proposal to be wonderful. I took the ring and gave it to the lady.

"By the way, where would you propose to Tine? Have you set the place already? Or would you like us to help find one" Man asked while we are done picking the ring. I shook my head.

"No thanks, I'll propose to him to where it all began"

Tine's POV

It's Saturday today. Wat was with his friends he said he will buy something and need help with them.

I've got nothing to do. today, I'm alone here in our apartment so I just decided to watch TV to watch something nice.

As I was about to click the remote to open the Tv my phone rang and it was from Sarawat. I took the phone smiling.

[Hello? Tine] Sarawat spoke. I missed his voice.


"Umm.... Can you come here?"

"Where and why?" I asked trying to control my emotions. But, deep inside I'm excited.

"I'll text you the address. Just come"

"What time?"

"6:00 pm"

"Okay" I simply answered as I hung up.

I looked at the clock and saw that it is already 4:58pm. I better get ready.

After showering, I got ready and wore something nice. I chose to wear a white shirt with a pink coat and some ripped jeans.

Wat already texted me the address and it is kind of familiar. I looked at my phone clock and it states that it is already 5:41pm.

I choose to drive my car instead of riding a cab. I drove to where the address was and it was really getting familiar.

At exact 6 o'clock I arrived at my destination. And I finally remembered to where I am. This was in silpakorn University. This is the place where Sarawat and I first met in high school.

Memories came flashing back to me as soon as I stepped out of the car. But, why would he take me here? My heart was beating so fast.

I took some walk before I stopped at a certain spot. The spot was decorated with fairy lights, there were a small red carpet in the middle of the road and there was a chair in the middle of it.

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