Chapter 4 - Say you won't let go💕

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"Are you ready to listen now?" He said which made me glare at his sentence

"Listen to what?" I asked confused

"Firstly, I did not forgot our anniversary" What??!!

"Secondly, im just pretending I didn't know about it because I just want to tease you but the truth is I've waited a whole year just for it" he added which made me looked at him in shock

"Did you really remembered?" I asked him again for confirmation

"Of course! I would never forget it I don't even know what made you think too much like this" he said and he hugged me I hugged him back and it lasted a little longer before he broke the hug.

he looked at me straight in my eyes then he moved his eyes down to my lips he cupped my face and put his lips on mine and kissed me softly. he bit my bottom lip asking for my permission and I gave him.

he easily slipped his tongue inside my mouth our kiss turned into passionate one. our tongues intertwined with each other while kissing each other with passion.

We lost track of time until we decided to broke the kiss because we both felt breatheless. He turned my face to him and asked me something

"Do you want to hear a song?" He asked me in a cheerful tone and I nodded he picked his guitar and started playing the chords along with the singing

Say you won't let go - James Arthur

I knew I loved you then but
You never know cause I played
It cool when I was scared
of letting Go

I knew I needed you but I'll never show, I wanna stay with you until
We're gray and old

Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go oh oh...

"Do you liked it?" He asked me

"I love it!" I answered him happily

He patted my head and he whispered something on my ear...

"If I someday I would asked you to let go of me would you?" He asked me in a monotone voice

"Yes!" I answered him which made him glare at me

"Why?" He asked me again

I lowered my head and whisper him my answer

"Because I know that day wouldn't happen and, even if it would I would still never let you go..."

When he heard those words coming from my mouth he immediately hugged me

"Let's go sleep now we have a big day tomorrow" he said and kissed my forehead. I nodded and he picked me bridal style he gently laid me on the bed and he layed down beside me and hugged me and whisper something on my ear

"I love you my nuisance, sweet dreams and sleep well..."

I blushed from the contact and turned my head around him and kiss him in the cheek.

"I love you too my handsome prince, good night and sleep tight" I said and turned my back to him. And with that I slept never forgetting what happened just now...

(Morning comes)

"Beep! Beep! Beep!" The clock just alarmed at exactly 8:00 in the morning. I still have my hangovers right now. I don't think I can go to my classes today. my head is still a bit dizzy and my muscles are still weak and limp

"Wake up now, sunshine" Sarawat said while patting my head and smiled at me I blushed from his words again

"Sorry, I don't think I can go to classes today I still have my hangovers" I replied to him in a sad tone

"Aww, but baby you need to go to classes today"

"Why?" I asked him

"I can't go to school alone" what??!

"Why is that?"

"If you would make me go to school today without you many people would admire me today. some, may hit on me. And I will give them my handsome smile and gestures You want that? It's up to you then" he said and was about get off the bed when I pulled him to his arms and make him look at me. And before he knows it I quickly pulled his nape and kiss him softly after that I looked at him squinted my eyes and get my two eyebrows aligned together

"Don't EVEN dare Sarawat! Or you'll see the real me!" I threatened him and let go of his arm and I got myself up grab the towel on the table and was about to go to the shower when Sarawat's hands stopped me and pulled me on the bed he got on top of me and tied my two hands above my hand using his

"You dare threatened me, baby?" He said looking straight at my eyes he looked extremely scary right now and also my position with him is in danger mode

"Uh I-Im just saying don't try and cheat with me or else---" I didn't have a chance to continue because he immediately kissed me. I didn't mean to melt but his kiss is fire to my bones. His kiss is filled with passion and pure lust it lasted for a few minutes until I felt breatheless because of the kiss he just gave me I quickly pushed his chest to tell him that it's time to stop he obediently let go of the kiss and my arms he got up on me. I'm still trying to catch my breath that has just been lost earlier from what just happened that's why I'm still lying on the bed right now. I looked at Sarawat but his smiling like crazy

"Get up now! Or else..." He said with a devious smirk while raising his eyebrow up. He got on the side of the bed he lowered his head and whispered on my ear

"Or else you wouldn't be able to get up from where you are now" he said and he kissed both my cheeks which made me glare at him.

"Get rid of your dirty thoughts, you pervert!" I said pushing him and got up on the bed i squatted and stretch my arms and turned my head clockwise.

"Can you make a black coffee for me please?" I said in a cute way and made puppy eyes

Sarawat looked hesitant but after a few seconds he just rolled his eyes

"Fine! Stop being so cute, okay?" He said then he patted my head

"Okay, daddy!" I said which made him shock at my sentence I never called him 'daddy' ever since we dated...

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