Chapter 24 - I vow

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Tine's POV

Today is the much awaited wedding day. I was really excited and yet nervous at the same time. As for Wat, he's not here with me throughout the whole night before the wedding day.

We decided to separate yesterday because our parents told us to do so. They said a belief that 'The groom must not see the bride before the wedding'

We both hated the idea but, since it's for the best we still did so. Wat checked in a hotel near our place. We talked last night on the phone before I slept.


I was about to sleep when my phone rang. I took my phone on the bedside table and I saw the caller ID it was Sarawat. My face lighten up as I answered the call.


[Tine? You still awake, babe?] I heard Wat's soft voice.

"Yeah, you?"

"Yes, I just miss you" Wat said and he's whining like a baby. I just chuckled

"Saraleo, we just literally saw each other this morning and afternoon" I only said that but, deep inside I also miss him. So so, much.

"Doesn't matter, can I comeback there now?" Wat whinned again and I just smiled

"Come on, we'll see each other tomorrow. For now, let's sleep it out" I said

"But, I miss you"

"Don't be stubborn, let's sleep for now. We have a big day tomorrow"

"Okay fine, love you..." He said

"I love you too..."

"Sleep well, nuisance. Sweet dreams"

"You too" I said as I hung up smiling and feeling better that I've got a chance to talk with him.

(End of flashback)

"Hey, Tine? Boo!" Ohm shouted as I was zoning out a bit.


"Bro, why are you zoning out?" Phuak asked

"No, maybe I'm just a little nervous" I said as I took the suit out of the closet.

"I'm just going to get change. I'll leave you all here, wait for me" I said as I head on the bathroom.

I wore the suit that we bought from the store just about a few days ago. When I came out my mother was already there. She looked at me in awe.

"You looked dazzling, honey" Mom said and I just looked away embarrassed.

"Mom! Don't call me that anymore. I'm a grown up now" I said proudly

"Really? But, you still act childish" said a voice and I turned around to see P'Type standing at the door.

"P'Type! You came!" I said as a smile formed my face.

"Of course! I wouldn't want to miss my Brother's special day." He said as he opened his arms for me to hug him.

"I hope Sarawat would never get tired of your childish babblings" P'Type teased and I hit his chest.

"Come on guys! Stop teasing each other we've got a wedding to catch up" Fong said

"Yeah, let's go boys" Mom said

(At the wedding....)

Sarawat's POV

My heart is beating so fast as I was already standing here at the altar, waiting for my beautiful Tine to come out that door.

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