Chapter 18 - Tine X Rain

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Tine's POV

It's been 3 days since I got discharged from the hospital. I feel better now. My relationship with Sarawat is also developing. We are not yet back together but, at least we were both slowing things down.

Sarawat has been good on taking care of me on the past few days in the hospital guess that's why I got discharged faster.

Also, I was surprised when he gave me back the bracelet I threw away. He said that boss found it the day Man and Him went in the field for a football practice.

I took the bracelet from him but I still didn't wore it I just kept it. When Sarawat saw that I didn't wore the bracelet, I can see the dismayed looked in his eyes. But, before he can say anything I spoke first.

"Not yet, Wat. Soon, but not yet" I said and then he looked at me. I know he knew what I was talking about. He had a small smile curve on his lips.

He said he wanted to take me home but I refused. I said that my car was picked up by Ohm and Fong in our apartment or should I say his apartment.

He hated the idea first but, soon he gave up he bid me his goodbye before going to his car on the other side of the parking area.

I was about to go to my car when my phone rang. I checked the caller's ID and to my surprise it was Rain. I'm still hesitant if I should pick up her call or not.

It's 9:54 am she won't call me at this time if it's not important. I picked up her call but I didn't speak I'm waiting for her to talk first.

[Hello, Tine? You there?] She said

"Yes, why are you even calling?" I asked her annoyed.

[Just chill, Tine. I'm not doing anything. Just want to ask you can we meet?] She asked seemingly cheerful but, mysterious.

"Why? So you can sabotage me again?" I asked her getting angry this time.

[No, Tine. Listen, I have something to talk to you and it's important. I just wanted to end this and properly say sorry Tine.

I know I've been a great bombard to you and Sarawat. So, I want to fully apologize to all I have done to the both of you.

Meet me at the restaurant we used to go to when we were still together at around 7:30 pm. If you don't want to come it's okay. But, I'll still wait. she said and hanged up."

She sound really serious this time. That's why I just accepted her invitation.


I arrived at the restaurant Rain wanted me to be and then I found her there sitting at a side chair she motioned me to come near her. I took the seat in front of her instead of being beside her.

I'm keeping my distance

"What do you want to talk about Rain?" I asked her as I noticed she was holding a paper bag beside her.

"Umm... First of all Tine, i just wanted to say sorry for everything I have done with you and Sarawat." She started and I just listened to her.

"But, you know Tine. I really missed the old times when you and I were still together. You know Tine? You were the only one who treated me right. If you want, we can still try again" She said and I shook my head and faced her.

"Rain, you know that I already love someone else. And that person is Sarawat. just because we broke up, it doesn't mean that I can just let it all go." I said and then she chuckled and she looked away.

"I know that, Tine. I expected that answer. I'm just trying my luck" she said

"Rain, I understand that you can't forgot the bond we once had with each other and nor can I.

You know Rain? you are the first person that taught me what is love and I will never ever forget that. In my mind, you are still the Rain I know. the Rain that I loved before.

You are my best friend before remember? We were the closest among the others of our friends before right? You were always there for me and you always said you got my back. And I will never forget that."

I said not mentioning the bad things she have done to me. and then I saw her sobbing. She was crying I just sat there in front of her waiting for her to carry herself.

"Thank you, Tine for still putting me in that place of memory." She said as she calm down herself and I continued what I was saying.

"You also have to understand that our relationship are long broke. We have broken up for 3 years. I'm no longer your possession Rain, I belong to someone else now. Please let us go, LET ME GO." I said as I emphasized the last words I said.

She looked at me and smiled.

"I know, Tine. And yes, I'm now letting you go." She said and she smiled bits of tears were still visible on her eyes. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Also, I came here to tell you that I have Decided to continue my study abroad. And don't forget my sorry to Sarawat, hope you two will comeback together again in no time" she said while smiling. I smiled back again to her.

"You sure you're going to continue your study abroad? And sure I'll say your sorry to him" I replied and then she nodded.

"Yes, I'm sure about this. I guess it's also the best way for me to move on and start another path in my life" she said.

"When is your flight by the way?" I asked

"It's also tonight 9:30. I'll Better get going now Tine. But wait, Before I go I meant to give you and Sarawat this." She said and then she lift up the paper bag, that was on her side earlier.

When I fully saw it my eyes widen. it was a Pandora paperbag and I also realised it contains rings inside.

"Consider these my peace offering for the two of you" she said and I shook my head.

"No! No way, Rain this is expensive it's okay if you don't have any gifts like this" I said but she insisted.

"No, Tine. I've cost too much damage for the both of you this is pretty much nothing compared to the damage I cost. Also, I got your names engraved in both of those rings so, no taking back" she said and winked at me.

I just accepted the rings and then we bid our goodbyes to each other. I took a box inside the paper bag and looked at the rings and there I saw just like what Rain said the Rings were engraved by mine and Sarawat's name.

I just shook my head and chuckled to myself and I kept the rings again on the box and put it in the paperbag and I left the restaurant and headed to where my heart would lead me.
Guntithanon & Teepakorn


Hi lovelies! Merry Christmas! Hope you all are enjoying your holidays and hope you all are always safe. Sorry for the late update I got busy with my exams and it's also holiday so I thought I should have rest but, don't worry I'm writing chapter 19 now hope I can also publish it right away. BTW what do you think would happen on the next chapter? Comment your thoughts!

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