Chapter 3 - The truth

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When I got on the bar my friends are already there, I told them what happened earlier and we drank in sadness, laughter, and pain.

"Cheers! To all who are heartbroken because their partners don't remember their anniversary!" Fong said in a drunk state

"Cheers!" Me and Ohm replied and clink all our glasses together and drunk it, right now we have already finished three bottles of beer and I'm starting to get very dizzy I'm not so sure if I can walk back to our place so, I checked my clock and shit! it's already 9:45pm Sarawat must be worried by now I have to get home I spoke to my drunken friends that it's time to go home we payed at the counter and headed home.


I am walking in a drunken state right now I feel a bit dizzy but I'm still aware of my surroundings I am now at the lobby of the apartment I headed to the elevator because i can't go with the stairs with my state right now the elevator stopped and I'm struggling to find our room because bi felt more dizzier right now, few minutes and I finally found our room, but I can't find the keys.

I'm so dizzy right now so I think I'll just knock sarawat is surely still awake right now so I knocked at the door, and the tanned skin guy opened the door sarawat looked extremely concerned about my state right now seeing that I'm so drunk makes him even more concerned but because of my dizziness my feet started to became week and I fall down to my knees luckily, Sarawat catched me I looked at him and said

"I'm sorry" after I uttered those words I continuously passed out...


"Tine! tine! Thank god your awake now" Sarawat said in a cheerful tone but his face looked so worried

I slowly got up on the couch and looked everywhere around me I looked at the guy beside me and asked him what had happened

"What happened?" I asked sarawat in a low voice

"You passed out because of your drunkenness, here! I made you a black coffee to ease your hangover" he said and handed me the fresh and hot black coffee I blow it a bit and drank it I put it to the table beside the couch and face the guy beside me

"What time is it?" I asked him in a low tone again

"It's 11:00pm" he replied in a monotone voice I just nodded and looked away from him he cupped my face with his right hand making me look at him

"Tell me what's wrong why did you get drunk?" He said in a monotone voice I want to answer him but I can't my mouth has no words to say right now. At first I just thought that if I got drunk I would forget all that has just happened but no, I was wrong the pain is still their it didn't disappear even just for a second...

"Tell me now I would listen" he said again

"Fine! Want me to tell you? I got drunk because you forgot our anniversary, I never thought that you would forget it!" I said and without my consent my tears fell down with both my eyes

"I thought that you would remember it! I thought you would be excited about it but all this time it's just all of my imaginations? I just think too much? I never expected you would forget our most important day!" I added as I wiped my tears

"Hey calm down" sarawat said trying to stop me

"You have no idea on how much pain I felt after everytime I would ask you about our anniversary and you are just saying you don't know anything! Everytime I would hear those words from you makes my heart feel like it's being stabbed by a hundred knives! It hurts me everytime I would remember you saying those words!!!"

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