Chapter 2 - Forgotten anniversary

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After classes I've decided to spent some time with my gang on Cafe tun we haven't seen each other for awhile because I've been busy this holiday with sarawat because we've been planning to go to the beach this Saturday but when I immediately saw them i noticed that phuak is missing.

"Hey guys! Long time no see! Where is phuak?" I said confused

"Oh! Didn't you know? He have been gone to Singapore because he had an internship there, weren't you in your social media Tine? I've been updating you since he have been gone last week" Ohm said

"Umm sorry I'm not into my social media this week but I'll try to keep up as soon as I can! I've been busy with Sarawat this week we've been planning to go to the beach along with the club members this Saturday wanna come?" I asked them two in a convincing tone

"Sure! I'll try to clear all my scheds this week! But yes I'll come!" Fong replied happily

"And you?" I asked ohm and raised my eyebrow

"I'll try to clear my schedule as well!" Ohm said

So I was happy but there is one thing that I'm still worried about, Me and Sarawat's anniversary is this Saturday too! I need help from my friends right now because I want to plan a simple anniversary for us. So I asked them...

"My friend in the music club is planning to give his boyfriend a simple anniversary so how should I help him?" I asked them but seems like they know something Fong even raised an eyebrow at me

"Just stop pretending! It's been a year and your still shy about this things!" Fong said in a slightly shouting voice

"Do you always know it?" I asked them

"Of course We do! You really suck at lying!" Ohm said

"Anyways, Can you help me now? I want to prepare a surprise for sarawat to our anniversary got any ideas?" I hesitantly asked they looked at each other for awhile and looked up like they were thinking really hard then suddenly their ideas started to come out...

"How about an 18+ activity on the beach?" Ohm said shamelessly

"How about bring him a cake?" Ohm suggested again

"How about sing him a lullaby to sleep?" Ohm suggested another stupid idea

"Arghhh! Stop! You're just giving me headaches!" I said to stop Ohm

"How about you? I hope FongThePhilosopher would help me on this kind of situation"

"An activity on the beach!" Fong replied Again??! Come on!!!

"I said that!" Ohm mumbled to himself

"What the hell you two? How is this 'Help'???" I looked to both of them when I emphasized the word 'Help'

"Wait wait! I'm still not done yet!" Fong said which made me glare at him

"An activity at the beach I mean play him guitar! Sarawat loves music so much I'm sure he'll like it!" Fong continued

We'll Fong has a point Sarawat likes music so much so I think he'll like it too

"That sounds great! I knew I can count on you!" I replied to Fong

"But, what song should I play him?" I asked them two

"Wait! Before you think about that do you really know that he remembers that it's your anniversary?" Ohm said

"Well it's our anniversary I'm sure he won't forget it" I said but apparently Ohm has a point I'm not even sure if Sarawat remembers about it. No! I'm thinking too much I'm sure he will remember

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