Chapter 7 - Past or still?

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Sarawat's POV

It's been a week since that day P'Type came to see us and our last date. I really wanna take Tine to another date again. This week is actually very stressful too. P'Dim had graduated and he asked me to be the music club's president While, Tine was asked to be the Cheerleading Club's president. He declined the offer and took my offer to him as my secretary

But, after some days the cheerleading Club's president and the team had an accident. Now, Tine was asked to be the one taking care of the team first. He was so busy this days that's why I want to take him for a date since, it's his day off today.

"Tine" I called him while he's in the kitchen preparing breakfast


"Do you have anything to do today?"

"Umm... No, why?" He asked while his preparing the coffee at the coffee maker. I sat up on the couch and go on him. I hugged him from the back which he blushed at the contact.

"Let's go on a date" I whispered softly in his ear. He blushed even redder. I wanted to tease him even more so, I kissed his ear

"O-okay" he said and pushed me away I can clearly see that he is still blushing. I just smirked and sat back on the couch.

Few minutes later Tine called me for breakfast. We ate our meal and Tine decided to take a bath first. In a couple of minutes tine came out of the bathroom topless, he's only wearing a white towel covering his lower part. He looks so tempting right now.

Self control Sarawat

I mentally noted to myself

Tine took a white polo and blue jeans he wore the jeans while his polo still remained unbuttoned. I wanted to tease him right now. I walked up to him and started buttoning his shirt

"Don't let anyone see you like this, nuisance" I said boldly

I took a glimpse of him and a shade of red is now visible through his ears and cheeks

I want to tease him more. I peck his lips and gone straight to the bathroom

Tine's POV

He really is a bastard he teased me and gone straight to the bathroom. Well anyways, let's just get back at him on another time. Few minutes later he came out of the bathroom dressed up himself, and we headed out on the carpark.

He escort me on the passenger seat and I buckled my belt he sat on the driver's seat and buckled his own belt. We headed to a mall in Chiang Rai (a place in Thailand) it is actually a 4 hour drive from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai

Time skipped....

I am feeling tired right now we've done lot of things since we arrived here in the mall we gone shopping, checking for new phones and other stuff. I was hungry as well so I asked Wat to go in a restaurant

"Wat, I'm hungry" I pouted trying to act cute

"Aww, little buffalo is hungry. Come, let's eat lunch" he replied well, I guess my cute charm is still working on him. I smiled and we headed to a restaurant

"What's your order, sir?" The waiter asked

"I'll have chili prawns with egg fried rice, how about you Wat?"

"I'll order buttered chicken with shrimp fried rice"

"Okay, that's our orders please" I said to the waiter as he finished writing our orders on a piece of paper

"Yes sir, please wait for 15 minutes to get your orders" he said as he got back to the counter

I took my phone from the pocket and look at the updates on my IG to kill time. Sarawat did the same. Meanwhile, I felt eyes staring at me from the back. I didn't bother to see who it was since that I know I was dating Sarawat it was just probably one of his wives.

Our orders finally arrived after a few minutes. While eating, we talked about lots of stuff. We took turns on who will be the one to talk and the other to listen. Mostly, our topics are about food, music, scrubb and clothes. We finished eating and we payed the bills.

We were roaming around the mall when Sarawat said he need to pee in the bathroom. I agreed and I said i would just to to the department store because I forgot to buy hair gel.

Sarawat agreed and headed to the bathroom. I bought the hair gel and payed on the counter and was about to go out when I bumped on a girl.
We fell to the ground and she was looking down. she felt familiar somehow

"Oh, sorry miss?" I said and I got up

"Tine" she called out my name. How did she know my name? She is still looking down

"I-im sorry how did you know my na--" I can't continue when she looked up at me.

She was Rain. My first and ex-girlfriend. We broke up because he cheated on me with my friend or rather, ex friend. She is the first girl who taught me what is the feeling of love and the same girl who first taught me pain. It's been a long time since I last saw her probably, 3 years ago when we broke up.

She have changed so much she is slightly thinner, her hair has a colour of brown, and she was hotter than before. She still has that dimple on the right side of her face and a small mole on the left side. For some reasons, she didn't have changed a lot she is still the Rain that I fell in love with when I was high school. But, that was the past I have Sarawat now and I'm happy to be with him.

I heard my heart beating faster wait, is it still beating for her?

I touched my chest with my fist and nervously listening to it if it's still sparking for her. For a little while, I knew that it was not contracting to her. I knew that it was for Sarawat. I sighed a relief knowing that I'm not longing for her anymore.

"Tine? Tine?" She shake me of because I was zone out for a minute. I called myself and face her

"Hi, Rain" I greeted her

"Hello, it's been a long time Tine. How have you been?" She asked me and she sat up on the nearby bench and I sat next to her

"It's been fine, how are you as well?" I asked her too

"It's been okay, I am currently studying here in Chiang Rai. I just came from the states last month. How about you?"

"Oh, I'm studying at Chiang Mai" I replied For some of the reasons, I felt comfortable with her. She asked for my number and I gave it to her.

We continued chitchatting and I didn't notice that she was getting closer to me. She put her arms around me and I felt comfortable. I thought that this is just a friendly gesture from her so I just let her be

"Tine?!" I turned to look at who it is and to my surprise it was Sarawat with a mixed of anger and jealousy in his face...

Author's note:

Hi lovelies! Sorry for the late update, again. And By the way what do you think Sarawat would do if he finds out about Rain? And for those who don't like drama I'm really really sorry but the next chapter (s)? Will really hurt you. I've been planning to right the next chapters a long time ago even before I have started this FF.

And before I forgot, thank you so much for 445 viewers let's make it to 500 shall we? Hope you are really enjoying the story. Stay safe y'all and be happy. And please if you like the story don't forget to vote. And if you want me to write another fanfic please follow me


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