Chapter 14 - Pain

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Tine's POV

As I start packing my things tears were rolling down my eyes. I looked at the big mirror in front of me and all I could see was a mess.

In my sight, my reflection also hates me. I looked like a mess. My hair was messy, my eyes were sore from crying, and my legs were shaking.

After I quickly pack my things, as I stepped out of our room I thought I should just bid goodbye to this place on more time. I left my bag near the door and I gone straight to the terrace.

As soon as I stepped at the balcony. The cold air blew through me making me shiver.

'This is the place where Sarawat always says he cares for me'

Ive gone inside again because of the uneasy feeling I felt. Next, Ive gone to our room again. And I stared blankly at our bed

'This is the place where Sarawat used to say he loves me'

Recalling the memories, a tear shed my eyes again. I've gone to the kitchen after.

'This is the place where Sarawat would pat my hair whenever I'm tired'

Next, Ive gone to the bathroom and scanned it thoughtfully.

'This is the place where Sarawat would say I'm only his'

Lastly, I went to the living room.

'This is the place where Sarawat would comfort me by singing me a song while playing our guitar'

All the happy memories in this room that we've got turned into a horrible nightmares. The "i love you's" we used to tell each other were now becoming grimaces of pain. And the happy moments we had were now slowly Turning blury.

I cried again as I fall into the ground hugging my knees and then i saw my reflection again in the small, oval mirror from the living room. I looked terrible. My face was really pale. I wonder if I'm still alive or was this all just a dream? I walked closer in the mirror. And fully looked at myself

I need to know if I'm still alive.

Without thinking, I punched the mirror several times making sure that I don't see myself anymore. The glass shattered on the floor as i continued to punch the mirror. I stopped and looked at my bleeding knuckles. And the pieces of glass that were stained with blood on the floor.

What was I thinking?

I know I might be crazy for what I just did but, somehow I felt a bit happy. At least I know I'm still alive and I survived all of this.

I picked up my bag and I left our apartment...

Sarawat's POV

I broke up with Tine. For some reasons, I didn't know why I did that. All the things that I just remember is I was too hurt to listen on Tine. That's why I did the thing. the horrible thing to do.

I was so stupid for letting Tine go. I can't even think of my life without Tine. But, my damn pride took over me. I knew I should have listen to Tine. But, damn pride I have. I gotta admit I did got hurt because of what happened between Rain and Tine.

But, I already knew that Tine was mine but I still let my insecurity get the best of me. I was so damn stupid.

And know all I really wanted to do was to apologize to Tine. I needed to find Tine and say sorry for what I did.

I was currently staying at Man's dorm boss was also here. I told them what happened and even showed the both of them the Photo where Tine and Rain kissed.

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