Chapter 11 - betrayal

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Tine's POV

This whole thing was a shit! I knew that there was something fishy happening the moment she showed up at that mall on Chiang Rai.

Damn! I was so stupid! For letting her in my life again. And now, I don't even know what did she do on my phone. Phukong said he saw her opened my gallery and the Line app.

So, it's the first thing that I checked after I got my phone back. Rain had already disappeared as Phukong and P'Mil shouted and chased after her. I was shaking as I opened the gallery. And to my surprise nothing was stolen or deleted. I next checked the Line app and nothing was also deleted. I sighed with relief. But, when I came to check my IG I froze as I saw my Dm's with Sarawat.

Sarawat's POV

I need to check Tine I was now deadly worried because it's already 10:15 and he is still not home. He promised he'd be home before or at exact ten Where is that guy? I was about to call Fong when my phone suddenly popped up because of a message from Tine on IG.

Back then, I don't really like exposing myself to the social media world but, it all changed because of Tine he is the reason I changed. I really like him for quite a long time and I know that Tine knew that.

Well, enough of the talk I do wanna check what Tine had send me on IG I know that this isn't the time to do that but, the message seemed kind of interesting. At the same time, it's also very confusing. If Tine wanted to message me why would he send me a message on IG? He knew my Line number so what's up with him messaging me on IG?


I need to find Tine right now so I can clear this up. So, I did what I should have done I leave the apartment in search of Tine. My emotions right now we're honestly mixed with worry, sadness, and confusement.

I go to the pub were Tine said Rain, him, Fong, and some of Rain's friend where. But, when I reach out the pub it was already closed. I tried calling out Tine's phone but, it was not ringing. So, I dialed Fong's number.

[Hello? Sarawat? Is that you?] Fong said

"Yes, it's me. Is Tine with you?"

[......] Fong didn't replied so, I tried talking to him again.

"Please, Fong tell me where is Tine?"

[Err...we are in a park I'll text you the address] Fong said and I heaved a sigh of relief.

Fong texted me the address and while I was driving my heart was beating crazy and fast. I hope all that just happened minutes ago are not true.

I reached the park and all I saw was Tine sitting at the bench alone. He was looking at the night sky. My heart skipped a beat and I sat down with him. He looked peaceful in my view.

I could only pray that all that just happened earlier was just because Tine was drunk. Maybe, he just drunk texted me. But, the way the message was so clear in my mind I can't help but to feel anxious.

Tine looked at me when I sat beside him he was looking at me with scared eyes and his mouth slightly trembling like he wanted to say something to me. I wanted to make this clear so I bravely faced him.

"Err...T-tine" shit! I was stuttering

"..." It was silent. Tine was silent.

"About the message you sent to me w-was it true?" I finally asked slightly trembling.

"I...Sarawat.. it's...uhh" Tine couldn't contain his emotions anymore he bursted into Tears and his his face with his hands. What was that supposed to mean? Wait! Is he crying because it's true and he's guilty about it? Despite my doubts with Tine I still held him in my arms.

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