Chapter 17 - Clearing this mess

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"Tine... I just wanted to clear this up"

Tine's POV

When Sarawat uttered those words everyone in the room got out including P'Type. only Me, Sarawat, and Earn where inside.

Sarawat sat in the chair where P'Type was previously sitting. I can feel him looking at me from the corner of my eye. I just looked at my middle sight and pretended he wasn't there.

"Tine....." Sarawat started

As I heard his voice calling me again I felt like my heart just flew. He was calling me with that soft voice again the voice I've been wanting to hear for a long time. I gulped at him calling me again. But, I chose to still ignore him even though my heart was jumping on joy right now.

"I'm sorry" Sarawat said and I couldn't take it anymore I looked at him and he made eye contact. His eyes screams mixed emotions including Pain, sadness, and wistfulness.

But why does he have those eyes? Shouldn't I be the one who is currently in his position right now?

"Between Earn and me it's not what you think..." Sarawat said as he looked at me deeply.

"Yes, Tine. It's just a misunderstanding" Earn spoke up

"Why were you hugging her then?" I asked trying my best not to sound jealous.

"Tine, as you see I was going to study overseas with my boyfriend. That night that you saw us hugging, Sarawat was just bidding me goodbye. There is nothing going on between me and Sarawat" Earn explained

"Earn please give us a moment" Sarawat spoke and Earn nodded she got out of the room. I looked back at Sarawat and to my surprise he grabbed my other hand and he put his head into it.

"I'm sorry for breaking up with you, Tine. I was so wrong in the first place to doubt you. I should have listened to you but, I was blinded by my own pride that I didn't listen to your side

I hope I still have a special place in your heart. Tine, please forgive me and please comeback to me....."

He said and I saw him crying. I cried at his words that felt like a speech. But, I just couldn't let it be like that. I was also in pain. Even if my heart wants to just say yes to him my mouth wouldn't let me.

I removed my hand and I looked at Sarawat who also looked at me. I teared up just by looking at his eyes and I looked away.

"Tine, please comeback to me...." He said again and I just couldn't take it anymore and I burst into Tears and I faced him.

"On the times I needed you, where were you Sarawat?! The times I was hurt where are you??! The times I needed you where are you?" I finally snapped back at him.

"Tine, I-"

"what? You were just like this Sarawat! You were always blinded by your pride that you always don't listen to me. You let our relationship go in flames just because you were hurt! Goddamn it! I love you!

But, you were always like this! Perhaps it's because I'm just easy to be hooked! One sorry, one song, boom! Tine's world is spinning again.

But when the time comes, here we go again. Damn! Sarawat you weren't there when I was suffering! You weren't there when I was crying myself to sleep!"

I burst out to tears and Sarawat hugged me he was also crying. I tried pushing him away but it was no use. He hugged me tighter.

"I'm really sorry, Tine. I was so stupid for breaking up with you. I need you in my life, Tine. I can't lose you. Please comeback to me..." Sarawat said

"Let me have my time, Sarawat. You didn't know how much I suffered when you broke up with me." I said and cried once again he did also. He hugged me tighter and soon enough I hugged him back too. I can't really resist him.

Then suddenly, my heart started beating fast it felt like it was getting out of my chest. while we were hugging I realised how much I need him, I love, and care for him.

I can't lose him. I've been so used being with him all the time and I can't afford to live without him by my side. If he wants to get back at me then it'll leave me with no choice....

"I will wait for you, Tine. Take your time. Always remember that I'm always here for you. I just need you to comeback to me"

Yes! Yes!! A million times yes!

But, I can't tell him just now. Not yet, I'll wait for the right time. Just hang in there Sarawat, I'll be with you real soon.


Hi lovelies! How are you guys? What do you think will happen next? Btw sorry for the late update I have exams and it's really exhausting that's why I have updated a bit late so sorry about that.

Well anyways, hope you like it! And don't forget to comment down your thoughts!

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