Chapter 1- I love you with all my heart💞

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"Arghhh" I moaned irritatingly, the alarm clock just woke me up from the distance, I pushed the guy beside me to signal him to shut the alarm clock off. But this boyfriend of mine sleeps like an oil. No matter how many times I pushed his shoulder he won't wake so I am forced again to turn the alarm clock off

I slowly got on to the other side of the bed carefully so I won't wake sarawat. I'm almost on top of him but I didn't mind. I shut the alarm clock off but when I was about to go back to my bedside, sarawat's large arms hugged me

"You smell so good my nuisance" sarawat said softly biting my ear

I blushed scarlet Red I'm sure sarawat noticed it that's why he teased me

"Looks like someone is turning red" he said with a smirk I was annoyed so I quickly get off from his hug but this guy is so strong he didn't let me go out of his grip but instead hugged me tighter

"Idiot!" I said to him with sarcasm on my tone

"Not so fast, baby" he said which maked me blush harder. I always blush whenever he calls me 'baby' even if we're in a relationship for a year. Just the sound of his sweet voice calling me that makes me have goosebumps all over my body.

"Let me tell you a secret I've never told you before" he whispered on my ear I looked at him in confusion

"You know why I always tease you a lot? It's not because I am making fun of you it's because "I love you" you know what? "Every moment that I have with you is the greatest thing that happened on my life, that's why I have no intention of letting you go..."

When sarawat uttered those words a tear immediately fall from my eye it is  a long time ago when I saw this side of him this soft and caring side of him. When sarawat saw my tear fell on my eye he immediately wiped it and said...

"Uh why are you crying? Did I said something wrong? Please tell me" he said in a soft concern tone

"I'm crying not because you said something wrong you bastard!" I immediately wiped my tear and slapped his shoulder playfully

"Then why are you crying baby?"

"I cried because I am so happy, happy that I'm with you today and like you said every moment with you is the best thing that happened in my life that's why sometimes "I still can't believe that I'm yours..."

"Aww "I love you so much my nuisance..." He said and kissed my forehead

"Me too "I love you so much my Handsome prince..."

He smirked and hugged me tightly I hugged him back he turned my face and hold it forcing me not to look everywhere. His touch is so warm that I wanna cry. Then, he lands his lips on mine and put a soft kiss in it it lasted for a little while and he hugged me again it was so tight that I'm almost out of breath.

"H-hey! Are you planning to kill me with your hug?" I said trying to catch my breath then he let go of me he smirked and said...

"All right! Take a bath now while I can still control myself" he said with a smirk on his face

Argh! This bastard he is really something I thought to myself while I walked to the closet to get my towel and a clean pair of clothes and with that I took a bath and sarawat and I had breakfast and we both gone to our classes...

Hi guys sorry if this FF did not fulfill you this is my first time writing a FF but I'll try my best to make you all happy Btw if you liked this story please don't forget to vote, love Y'all's 💞💞💞

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