Chapter 6 - Date

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Tine's POV
We headed to a small fancy restaurant inside the mall. We sat on the spot were the air-con is nearby. I shivered because the air-con is behind me

"Damn! I forgot my jacket" I cursed loud enough for Sarawat to hear

He then walked beside me, take off his jacket, and put it on me. And he came back to his seat

"What about you?" I asked him

"Im okay the air-con can't hurt me" he joked. I just rolled my eyes. Few minutes later the waiter came to take our orders

"I'll have the fried chicken with fried rice and beef stew... What about you Sarawat?" I asked him

"I'll have the same order as yours" he said with a smile

"Anything for desserts, sir?" The waiter asked

"Umm. What would you recommend?"

"The coffee jelly is our best sellers here" the waiter said with a big smile

"Do you want Sarawat?" I asked and he just nodded

"Okay. We'll take it" I turned to the waiter and he nodded and leave

I picked up my phone and play with my IG

"Bored?" He asked

"Nah, I have a phone" I said and continued scrolling through my IG

"Can I throw it away? It's keeping my love away from me" he said in a little pouty but teasing face

"So, you think I'm cheating? Well actually, your wrong. I'm just checking updates on IG" I don't know why I need to explain but I still did it anyways. Sarawat smirked and continued staring at me

"Good. I dont want to have problems in this date" he said getting his face closer to mine. I backed away blushing

"D-date?" I asked pretending not to know. I just want to tease him. He backed away and he turned his previous smiling face to a sad disappointed one. I felt guilty about it all of a sudden so I said sorry

"Umm. S-sorry I-i was just teasing you" I said and turned my face down. Then guess what? He laughed at me. He freaking laughed at me. I was annoyed but, his face looks really adorable right now.

"I wasn't really mad. I fact, I just want to tease you too" he said and smiled. He then, Pat my head. I just smiled at him

Few minutes later, our food arrived. We ate and talk at the same time. We keep talking about things like my past relationship, his journey of finding me, and other stuff.

We finished our food and headed to the department store to buy clothes and stuff. I saw two black pairs of jeans inside the department store that I think would look great with both me and sarawat. I took the pair and bring it to Sarawat for him to try it on first. He agreed and looked for the nearest fitting room. I sat on the nearby bench that I saw.

I took my phone to see updates with my IG. After a few minutes Sarawat came out of the fitting room. Wearing the jeans, he looked extremely handsome right now. I didn't realize I was staring at him for too long

"Tine?" He shaked me

"Oh uh umm..."

"What do you think?"

"Y-you look good"

He smirked at me and turned to pat my head and whispered something to me

"Don't blush like that my nuisance or else I wouldn't be able to hold myself from Kissing you here in public" he said grinning. I can feel heat rising on my face

"I- I think it's my turn to try T-the Jeans now. I'll just go to the fitting room wait for me here" I managed to say my voice cracking he just laughed at me. this damn man!

"Okay, just be quick" he managed to say while trying to hold his laugh and I glared at him before rushing to the fitting room

I try the jeans on and it perfectly fit my size. I headed to Sarawat and he said it fits me. We headed to the counter to pay for the jeans and headed out. We walked across the mall and I happen to crave for ice cream when I saw the ice cream stand beside the mall glass fence I turned to Sarawat and he looked at me and understand what I want

"You want ice cream, babe?" I blushed at his words

"Y-yes and please fix your language" I said looking away blushing

"Wait here" he said and made me sat on a nearby bench. He then, go to the ice cream stand and bought two chocolate chip ice creams on the cup. He gave one to me and eat his own I ate mine and it tasted really good. Sarawat then tapped my shoulder which made me look at him

"Feed me!" He said with a small smile. I wanna played hard to get

"Eat your own" I said continuing to eat my ice cream

"Come on!" he tried once again. I didn't listen to his request. And he plead again and again while, I'm smirking inside me

"Tine!" He whined once more. I continued eating my ice cream and pretending to ignore him

"You don't want to feed me? Fine!" He said putting down his ice cream on the other side of bench and in a second he pulled my face closer to him and kissed me softly. He broke the kiss and whispered something on my ear "try not listening to me again and I will destroy your lips" he said shamelessly. While, I'm here trying to process everything that has just happened and I realized we were in public and he was to close to my face I immediately pushed him back a bit

"Saraleo! We were in public!" I said blushing because half embarrassed and half because of the kiss. He just smirked and continued eating his semi - melted ice cream. I did the same and after we finished eating the ice creams we both returned to the parking lot

He opened the door for me and I get in, closing the door, and I put my seatbelt on. He entered the car at the drivers place and put his seatbelt on too

We spend the time listening to scrubb songs and talking about things and stuff. This date was probably one of the best dates that we had.....

Author's notes:

Hi guys! What do you think about this chapter? Did you enjoy it? I actually planned to do more drama on this Fan-Fic but, I really enjoyed writing this chapter but don't worry for those who like more drama

I'll be planning to add more drama as I can in this story. So be ready! 😂 I'll make sure you all will cry a lot. Well anyways I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Love Y'all's and see you on the next chapter....

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