Chapter 15 - Listen to your heart, Tine

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Tine's POV

After we broke up, I was really convinced that Sarawat really hated me and I was also convinced that I was the only one in pain. But, seeing the photo he posted on Instagram. P'Type's words does makes sense.

That Sarawat is as the same state as I am right now. He is also in pain. But still I don't know if I should go talk to him right now. I'm still scared of the possibilities that Sarawat might have found a new person.

"Here's the food, Tine. Now go and eat" P'Type said as he entered the room and was quickly putting the porridge in a plastic bowl.

My friends also got there porridge but, P'Type forgot to buy drinks. My gang volunteered to buy their own drinks and so as ours.
They left me and P'Type in the room.
It was silent and only the aircon can be heard. I swallowed my pride and talked to P'Type.

"P'" I called out to him


"Can I ask something?" I started

"Yeah, what is it?"

"What is love?" I questioned him. He looked at me with his serious eyes and talked.

"You know Tine, love is not something that anyone can teach. It is something you need to learn by yourself" P'Type stated

"Yes P' I know that but, how do I know if I'm still in love?" I asked once again

"Listen to your heart, Tine. It will tell you if it is still pounding for him" P'Type answered.

"Though you don't want it to beat for that person anymore if your heart still wants to go on. You can't stop it" P'Type added.

I sighed and nodded. Somehow, his words got me thinking too. He was right I should listen to my heart to who it was still beating for


After a few days I got discharged from the hospital. My hand got stitched well, though i still feel some pain but it is now bearable. My friends decided to stay with me but, I said I can managed myself and P'Type is also here. They needed some rest because they have been with me the whole time in the hospital

I waved my hands at them as they walked to the other side of the parking lot. Me and P'Type will share his car for today. I got in and so as P'Type.

"Want to listen some songs? I have gotten this earphones from your bag and I also has scrubb songs on my phone. You can't have much time on your phone as well I need to ban you for quite awhile because of what happened"

P'Type said as he give me his phone and my earphones. I just nodded at him because I knew it was also for my safety. I sometimes love how he would be strict at me because he really cares for me though, he always tease me.

"Yes, I'll take your advice but, can I listen to another artist song?" I said trying not to be obvious. But, seems like P'Type knew what is happening so he just nodded. The reason I don't want to listen to scrubb songs for now is because it reminds me of him.

I got his phone and inserted my headphones I shuffle the song button and it played a sad song. Damn! Life I had. Even the music doesn't go to my side as well. I can't do anything so I just listened to it.

Someone like you - Adele

I heard that you're settled down
That you found a girl and you're married now
I heard that your dreams came true
Guess she gave you things, I didn't give to you
Old friend, why are you so shy?
Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light

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