Chapter 10 - Rain🔞

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Warning: Mature scenes happening. Skip if you feel uncomfortable. Read away from your parents guidance
Sarawat's POV

Ugh! How can this nuisance make me fall in love with him even more? Minutes ago I was doubting him of cheating with me yet, here we are now.

We were sweating both topless, and with unheld breathing. Tine's body were now covered with love marks same with me but, less. I continued to play with his nipples while kissing his neck down to his collarbone and shoulder blade.

Tine was moaning my name uncontrollably. And I admit I really like his moans it was like music to my ears. Whenever he would moan my name I just can't stop myself from losing sanity with him he makes me crazy.

"Ai'W-wat I c-cant w-wait anymore... Ahh" Tine moaned

I smirked and I unzipped his zipper and took off his pants and I did the same with myself. And next thing I did was I took off both our briefs.

I held his already hardened member and stroke it increasing my speed rapidly Tine was moaning more harder now.

"Ugh ugh.. Wat.. mhhh I'm close" he managed to say. I increased my speed more faster and he released his juice with my palm. He was now panting heavily on the bed.

I lay down beside him. After a few minutes, my desire arose once more.I once again got on top of him and I started kissing his neck again gnawing and sucking it and leaving dark marks on it. Tine moaned again.

I kissed his lips one more time. And was about to go to the bathroom to get some cleaning equipments when Tine held my arm.

"What about you, Wat?" He said as he was pointing at my bottom a hint of pink was now visible on his cheeks. I blushed as well

"Err... We'll do it next time" I said. Yeah, what the hell is wrong with me?
I thought Tine would let me go but, instead he got up and push me on the bed. He then, got on top of me.

He held my hardened member and started increasing his speed I was at my climax but, he stopped. I look at him and saw him positioning himself and grinding his member to me.

I knew what he was about to do and when he was about to move I swapped our places and now I'm on the top again.

I then moved slowly but rapidly. Tine was moaning so much.

"Ahh W-wat ugh.. uhh..." Tine moaned uncontrollably.

I knew that Tine was about to come he was jolting and shaking. And I was about to burst out as well too. I faster my speed and soon, we both came. We panted heavily and layed beside each other.

I kissed Tine on the forehead as I cuddle him. He looked at me and smiled.

"I love you so much, Wat" he said

"Not as much as I do, Tine" I replied back.


Next morning, we woke up beside each other's arms I headed first to the wardrobe to put on some clothes. And I headed to the bathroom. While, Tine was also busy picking clothes. While, I was busy brushing my teeth, Tine knocked at the door.

"Wat! Let me in I'm brushing my teeth too" he shouted and I opened the knob. He then got in and pick up his toothbrush and put a small amount of toothpaste in it.

Tine's POV

I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth. To be honest, I was still a bit tired because of our "Activities" last night. Well, also not complaining I enjoyed it myself too.

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