chapter 24

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a/n: just here to feed your hermione obsession once again :) comment and vote on the story!! haha have a great day <3 (this chapter turned out a lot longer than planned oops)

"Bloody Hell." Ron muttered as my red knight sliced his last piece on the board.

"Even on bed rest I still kick your butt in wizard's chess." I grinned, ruffling his hair as a small smile crept onto his face.

"I better let you get some sleep." Ron sighed, beginning to sort the pieces, packing up the game.

"Oh come on, one more game...please?" I made a pouty face, crossing my arms as Ron chuckled.

"Not if I want to get grounded by Hermione. Sorry Em." he shot me an apologetic smile, standing up.

"Hey." I reached for Ron's arm pulling him back, "Thank you. Really. I would have lost my mind if I didn't have you here to keep me company." I gave him a genuine smile.

"Night Em." he nodded before leaving the hospital wing. I laid down, thinking about how grateful I really was for my friends. Resting my head on my pillow, I pulled the covers up and felt the tiredness hit me. I closed my eyes as my mind swirled and eventually drifted to sleep.

∗ ∗ ∗

The familiar feel of cold water invaded my nose and lungs, as I struggle to draw in breath. I try to inhale as my body fights me for the need to breathe. A chill seeps into my bones as my throat burns for air and my heart aches while I squirm, reaching for the surface that I won't find. The pressure pushes against my chest from the inside out as the water closes in on me...

"Emelia...EMELIA!" I jolt up, inhaling the air and feeling the oxygen hit my throat. I coughed, reaching my hand up and grabbing at my heart, the pressure slowly dying down through each breath. I moved my gaze up, to see Hermione sitting on my hospital bed, holding my hand and arm. Her eyes were wide with concern as she stared at me, I looked away still breathing in deeply.

"You're drenched. Emelia what...what was that?" she gripped my hand as I continued to look away. "Em." she reached up and shifted my chin to face her. I felt a tear slowly roll down my cold left cheek, forcing my eyes to meet hers. I shook my head, biting my lip and clenching my jaw tight, feeling the water behind my eyes build up.

"I-I...I couldn't, I c-couldn't..." my voice choked as the memory flashed across my brain.

"Hey, hey...shh. It's okay. You're okay." Hermione moved forward, my head dug into her chest while she wrapped her arms around my weak waist. The tears I tried to hold back poured onto her sweater, my chest heaving up and down. A great sob I tried to muffle escaped, as I clutched onto my best friend who held me while I trembled. The nightmare of reliving the feeling of drifting into frozen water that almost took my scared me. My heart throbbed from the short intake of breath and tightening throat, reminding me to inhale again. Soft fingers maneuvered into my hair, caressing my strands in a calming motion. I concentrated on my breathing, gradually quieting my sobs to sniffles. I lifted my heavy head, pulling away from the warming touch of the brunette next to me and wiping the few tears that remained. I pulled my knees into my arms, rocking back and forth to try and calm myself down. Hermione shifted onto the bed in front of me, comfortingly placing her hands on my knees. "Em-"

"-I was back there...drowning. All over again." I clenched my fists thinking of the water that had engulfed me. Hermione moved her hands to my own, slowly relaxing the grip I had, softly stroking my tense palms. Minutes of a soothing silence passed by as I stared at the bed under me, while the tender brunette fidgeted with my hands.

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