chapter 29

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a/n:  heyo! I made a new story cover, it's pretty plain and simple but I like it. what do you all think? love everyone and as always, have a great week <3

"fizzing whizbee." Dumbledore whispered to us before getting hurriedly tugged away by the minister. The professors began to lead the awestruck students back to the school, as the wails of Cedric's father could still be heard through the arena. My mind had almost blocked everything out, pushing farther and farther away my raw feelings. If I let myself feel the wouldn't stop. Over and over again the words strung through my head. I can't think of it because then...then it's real. I can't let it in. I won't.

"Em...Emelia." the soft voice snapped me out of my daze. "Maybe we should just go back to our dorm and-" Hermione started.

"We have to go, now." I demanded, breaking my stare from the ground up to Harry and Ron who stood beside Hermione.

"Em, maybe Hermione's right, what you went through-" Ron answered unsteadily. I furrowed my eyebrows, shaking my head at the absurdity.

"I-I need answers. Harry, don't you?" my voice began to rise in frustration. Harry nodded in agreement, moving over to my side while the other two shared looks of concern. "Are you coming or not?" I questioned them in anticipation as neither of them replied. I bit my lip before turning on my heels and starting my trek up to the school. After a few seconds I heard footsteps behind me, as the two of them caught up and walked with me. I felt the various glances at me from my best friend, but ignored them as I had pushed away my grief and centered myself on only one priority. What the hell was i doing there. The words of Voldemort were on a constant loop in my head. You don't know, do you? They haven't told you? His demeaning laugh that still brought chills down my spine followed, giving me more and more resentment towards the dark wizard. What have they not told me?...What has Dumbledore not told me? The thoughts and endless questions spiraled through my head as we zipped through the corridors. I had buffered the mutters of Harry, Ron and Hermione who quickened their pace to stay with me. We reached the stone gargoyle, as I quickly whispered out the given password, "fizzing whizbee" to the creature that obliged, revealing the steps. The three of them trekked behind while I made my way up the stairs to the headmasters' door. As I lifted my fist to the door, a part of me...hesitated? My hand wavered in front of the brass griffin-shaped knocker, trembling. Do i actually want to know the answers behind this door? What will they mean? want to know clouded my rationality. I felt another hand lay on top of my gripped fist.

"Together." Harry met my eyes, squeezing my hand. Hermione took hold of my other hand, intertwining her fingers in reassurance. A deep breath was let out from behind me as the ginger patted my back in his own loving way. I lifted my head up with new found encouragement, raising the knocker before striking it on the heavy door. The entrance swung open as the vibrant colors of the familiar phoenix, Fawkes, were seen in the air before he flew back to his perch. The four of us slowly walked into the office, to see Dumbledore instructing portraits.

"Professor?" I called out for the headmaster who turned my way. He somehow kept his calm manner approaching us, dropping a bright lemon drop in his open mouth.

"Fawkes, will you please lead Miss Granger and Mr. Weasley back to their dorms?" the headmaster motioned towards the door.

"But Professor-" Hermione started as Dumbledore shook his head.

"Miss Granger." he narrowed his twinkling eyes at the stubborn girl. Hermione looked down at the ground before Ron tugged her away after the flying phoenix. I gave her a reassuring nod before her warm touch escaped my hand. The door soon closed, leaving just the headmaster, Harry and I. Dumbledore leaned against his desk, as Harry gave me a look, dirt and blood still covering our weary faces. "Tell me, what happened?"

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