chapter 1

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a/n: just to let you all know, only the first few chapters start out pretty short!!! so you can breeze through the early ones to get a better understanding of the storyline!!!

268 Wintergreen Street, Winton, California. It's street name is quite ironic, given the fact we live in a state filled with palm trees. Though I was born in London, and with my aunt being only twenty-one at the time, she was given custody of little old me. Her spontaneous self decided to buy a house on the west coast...halfway across the world. I can't really remember my parents. According to my aunt Sammie, my mom got knocked up (I don't exactly understand the term) by some fancy guy, being my dad who I have never met, just when they were seventeen. Then she had me. And then...she died in a plane crash. Now it's just my aunt and I. Sometimes I think I might be just a burden to her, but I don't blame her. I don't think she was too prepared to raise a kid all by herself on an entirely different continent. Though I still wished it would snow sometimes.

When I get bored I like to look at pictures of my mom...Victoria Kilton. I look a lot like her. Sammie gave me a few photos. We have the same nose and skin tone. Though I've grown tanner due to the blazing California sun. My eyes and hair must be from my dad's side, as my eyes aren't dark like my aunt's and mom's. And my hair is a shade or two darker than their golden brown color. I sometimes imagine what he looks like or what would life be like if he stayed...or if my mom didn't board that plane.

"Emelia! Someone's here to see you!" the voice of my aunt from down stairs snapped me out of my daze. I quickly tucked the pictures back under my pillow before yelling back down.

"Coming!" I felt a short rush of adrenaline, curiosity being the thing to get me up. Who would be here to see me?  I made my down the creaky stairs, basically sprinting, and almost knocking down a few pictures on the wall in the process. I entered the kitchen to see a fragile, very old looking man sitting down at the table...only he wasn't wearing normal clothes for a guy that should be in a nursing home. The man wore something that looked like a mix between a dress and a robe. It was a deep blue color, with elaborate ivory embroidery at the cuffs and lapels. His hair was that of the color white, a long beard stretching down past the length of his neck. Though the weird part was I didn't feel uncomfortable or scared...more so safe and curious. He had kind eyes that peered down at me behind half-moon spectacles. He extended his hand towards me.

"You must be Emelia. I'm Albus Dumbledore, it is a pleasure to finally meet you, Miss Kilton." he smiled and shook my hand. Shivers went down my back at the touch, something about him was...different.

"Hi." I stood, almost entranced at the man. "Um who exactly are you?" I asked him, trying not to sound rude but I felt that it might have come across as just that.

"Right, right of course. But first, Miss Samantha do you mind letting us talk alone for a moment?" my aunt left the kitchen with an odd expression on her face. I felt like I should be way more scared being alone with some old guy in a costume...but I had this warm feeling about him. Little did I know, the next words he spoke would change my whole life.

"'re a witch." he spoke, blatantly. I'm a witch?

"W-what?" I stuttered, staring at him with a blank look on my face. He next handed me a letter, with my name on it. I turned over the envelope, with trembling hands and sat down on the couch. My mind was in a million different places. How is this even possible? What does he mean witch? I opened the envelope, taking out the parchment as my mind and hands were barely operating. I glanced up with a confused look after reading the first sentence.

"We are pleased to inform you that you've been accepted into Hogwarts, the school of witchcraft and wizardry."

"Have you ever done things, things you can't quite explain?" he asked me, as a few memories came to me instantly. "I know you must have questions right I will do my best to answer them." the man, or Albus, could sense my confusion. I looked at him, as his own eyes twinkled back. "Hogwarts is a school of magic, filled with children just like you. We teach you how to use magic. This magic is passed down through families." he began, making me furrow my eyebrows.

"How? I my aunt a-a witch too?" I asked him as he let out a chuckle.

" I believe your magic comes from your father's side." he answered as I took in the new information. My dad? My dad is a wizard? Does he know where he is...or who he is?

"Do you know him? My father? Do you know who he is?" I threw the question at him, hoping for some sort of answer.

"I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not aware of who he is, Miss Kilton. You must be careful now. You don't know of the dangers that could lie ahead of you." he looked much more serious now, causing me to pause. I gulped, nodding in response. "I know all of this must be quite a shock. But I really must be leaving soon. And so are you." he stood up, walking to the other side of the counter.

"What? Go where?" I questioned him.

"Why Hogwarts, of course." he whispered to me. I felt my heart flutter at the word. And in this moment, It was like my gut was telling me that this is where I belong. I knew there have been gaps in my life...maybe they can be filled. "Well go and get ready. You mustn't waste time. I will have an escort here to take you in an hours' time. They will be bringing you to get your books, robes and everything you need for school in Diagon Alley. Good luck Emelia. I'll be seeing more of you soon." And with those final words he walked out the front door, grabbing a cookie from the kitchen slyly and sending a wink at me before leaving. I heard the door close and brought my attention back down to the letter. Green ink was spread across the parchment, where lists of textbooks and supplies covered it. Term begins on September first...that's in just a few days I think. Apparently I need three sets of black robes and a pointed hat, along with a winter cloak. Does that mean snow? That's so exciting! I also need a pair of protective dragon hide gloves...dragons? A list of textbooks were written next, with the oddest sounding titles ever. It also wrote that I need a cauldron, crystal phials, a telescope, brass scales, an owl and a wand. Woah. I now only just realized I've already spent over ten minutes scanning the letter...I have to!

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a/n: thanks for reading!

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