descriptions - need to read

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a/n: I'm skipping to fourth year!!! this will be used to describe the three years up because it's weird for eleven years old to flirt haha <3

hi everyone!!! so basically I'm going to explain your relationships with everyone and what went down during your first three years at hogwarts. What you're like, so you can get the hang of and really experience this as a reader. I hope you all understand why I skipped through like this because well love interests are important!!!! but after this I  will right as how I did before just a large time skip.

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first year:
- you found out that your favorite classes are astronomy, herbology and transfiguration
- you were actually quite good at school and spent most of your time with hermione studying and reading
- snape actually somewhat liked you compared to the others, for reasons unknown so far. and you were decent at potions
- you were closest with the trio, and followed them everywhere
- when ron made fun of hermione you put him back in his place and comforted hermione in the bathroom where the troll came and we four made up after they saved them
- you grew close with ron through your love of chess and food, you always ate together
- you and harry grew close because of your curiosity and ambition like him, going with him to the restricted section and sneaking around to the mirror of erised where you saw your parents. you used the cloak of invisibility as much as him and with him.
- you and ron played through the chess game to help harry get passed the challenge.

second year:
- you learn you can also speak parseltongue somehow, but you don't understand how or why. you and harry both agree to tell each other everything and you both fight the basilisk but you get knocked out early on in the fight. you wake up holding on to harry's ankle and ginny was behind you being carried and flown by a pheonix
- you stayed by hermiones bed when she was petrified every night getting no sleep and holding her hand, finding a piece of paper of the basilisk in her hand that was ripped out of a book.
- you knew you were connected to the chamber of secrets, but you didn't know how.

third year:
- you stayed over at the burrow during the summer and got very close with the family. you, fred and george caused trouble and mischief around the house. you and ginny stay up most nights talking and chatting about basically everything. you and ron took up on a new activity, cooking, you try and teach him in a muggle way but it goes bad. you enjoy your time with him even if your burning everything on accident.
- you go with the weasleys to the leaky cauldron and meet up with hermione and eventually harry, who you missed both a great deal. you had to split up ron and hermione because of their pets fighting and there is slight tension.
- you go back in time with harry and hermione to save buckbeak and sirius.

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okay so that's the basics and now I'm going to put in details of just how the relationships are, how you are and YEAH

- quidditch: you love the game, and you even make the team third year, as at first a back up seeker behind harry because you are quite good but not as good as him. but you don't mind, as you're a chaser and love it.
- you and the twins bother filch as much as possible, you even learn that fred has a little crush on you, but you don't like him much in that way and he is totally okay with it, it only took two weeks for it to go back to normal.
- you have the same humor as george and fred which makes you get along soooo well you literally love them so much
- you grew close with dean thomas, he's quite kind and you bring him back to earth, seamus drives him crazy sometimes so when he needs a break, he naturally goes to you.
- seamus can be a lot most of the time so u don't necessarily like him that much but you're nice still
-you and Mcgonagoll are quite close, she is by far your favorite teacher.
- snape turns out that he has quite a good side for some reason towards you, and he lets you talk to hermione during class without getting in trouble.
- you absolutely adore luna. none of your friends has really met her but you and her go for walks a lot when you need to cool down. the silence is always calming and never awkward w her
- hagrid is the absolute BEST and you harry hermione and ron visit him all the time. He's a big teddy bear you ADORE.
- neville is the sweetest boy you've every met. you partner with him in herbology and you let him talk and lecture about his love for the class and plants.
- you get along best with the boys because they have less drama and you are really only friends with hermione, luna and ginny as it goes for girls.

hermione details:
- you and hermione are total best friends. you do basically everything together. you study and read together, you are partners in almost every class. you spend all the time in the world with her and you absolutely love it. she opens up with you and it's never awkward. she rants to you and always puts her head on your shoulder.
-you have certain spots where for certain things
like you have a spot against the tree by the black lake, you have a certain table by a big window where the light shines in perfectly in the library where you two study and read. you also always sit by the fireplace in the common room and your beds are next to each other upstairs in your dorm. but she tends to fall asleep in your bed when you talk all night.

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