chapter 27

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a/n: I'm getting excited, third task is coming up ahhhhh I have so many ideas just whirling around my hollow head, holy- anyway...have an amazing week!! love you all so much! <3

The familiar feeling of anxiousness had struck us hard. Knowing that the third task is now just days away, the atmosphere at hogwarts has switched once again. The last few months have been somewhat back to normal, I've been spending my time with mostly Hermione studying for the exams that follow the ending of the tournament. I know Harry, and I know the great deal of pressure that's being put on him right now. Though there's not much we can do to help him, as there's no clues to be solved or spells needed to master. It's as if the only thing we can do is...wait.

It was now the evening of the day before the third task...and the anticipation around the school feels as if its tripled. Now that today was the day before, let alone it also being a friday, we had to sit through classes where basically no one paid attention. Even the teachers were cutting them short. Even snape let us out from potions early, our last class of the day. We've now been occupying ourselves in the common room with more studying for the last hour, few words about the task had been said. Ron hasn't even made a comment.

"Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration. Mione, some help here?" I sighed, asking the brunette for help as I was completely lost in the subject. Hermione motioned towards Ron to move, he grungily picked up his bread and slid over for Hermione to sit between us on the couch.

"Well to start off-" Hermione started, leaning over my shoulder to look.

"Mione..." I whispered to her, pointing to the raven-haired boy.

"Wha-" Hermione's voice trailed off as she noticed Harry, who sat in the armchair...staring at the bland wall in front of him. I slowly put my things on the floor, walking over to his chair and kneeling in front of him. His green eyes were still stuck on the same spot across from him, where I was now.

"Har." I touched his arm as he blinked a few times, and beginning to breath out heavily rapidly looking around the room, anxiously. "Harry."

"You alright, mate?" Ron asked, sitting up on the couch as Hermione had already moved to my side in front of the boy.

"I'm fine." he responded, wearily.

"Is it about the task tomorrow, Harry we can-" Hermione began.

"There's nothing we can do Hermione!" Harry suddenly shouted, taking all of us aback. I glanced to Hermione who's face held a hurt expression. Her mouth open, but no words left it.

"Harry." I placed my hand on his arm as he breathed in deeply, calming himself down. "Why don't we go and see Hagrid? Maybe he knows something about the task." I raised my eyebrows at the boy who hesitantly nodded. "Alright." I let out a relieved sigh, standing up to pull on my robe. Harry followed, quickly grabbing his own and already starting for the portrait.

"Bloody- Harry!" Ron threw on his robe, running after his best friend. The brunette remained in her spot, looking down at her hands. She shifted her gaze to me, as I motioned my head towards the portrait. She obliged, tugging her robe on and reluctantly following me.

"You know he doesn't mean anything by it. He's just stressed, that's all." I sent her a warm smile as we made our way down the moving stairs. She returned the smile, weakly while walking through the corridors. We reached the back of the school, with Hagrid's hut in sight that sat at the bottom of the long trail. Hermione had paused, leaning against one of the arches and watching the weasley and potter who were much farther ahead.

"Do you really think Hagrid will be of any help?" she looked at me with hope in her eyes, making me let out a sigh.

"Let's hope so." I took her hand, pulling her onto the downward trail. A small smile appeared on her face as she tried to quicken her pace to keep up with me. We made our way down, I failed to notice the grip I still held while we entered behind the boys.

Granger, you've done it again | hermione granger x fem ocWhere stories live. Discover now