chapter 10

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a/n: I'm really excited on how it's coming along!! Emelia is such a bubbly and happy person I love it. Hermione and her relationship is so close hehe the slow burn is always the best ;) And chapters are starting to get longer and more detailed :)

My eyes slowly opened, and I found myself in the dark and lying on the couch downstairs, back at the burrow. All of the previous events came flooding back to my memory. I tried to sit up but then noticed someone holding my hand. Hermione. She had a soft grip on my fingers while she sat on the floor, leaning against the bottom of the couch. Sound asleep. I smiled to myself and a sudden throb from the back of my head caused me to wince in pain.

"Hey, hey. Are you okay?" Hermione jolted up and looked at me with concern. She gripped my hand tighter and suddenly I felt okay again. I smiled and slowly nodded, appreciating her gesture.

"What happened, Mione?" My thoughts spiraled everywhere at the moment, remembering the events of that night. I noticed her hesitation, thinking of how to tell me.

"After you had blacked out, something bad happened. Something dark." She looked away from my gaze.

"What, what do you mean bad? What is it?" I looked at her, almost not wanting to know the answer. She turned back towards me and gulped.

"A green mark appeared in the air last night. It was the dark mark. His mark, Em." realization dawned on me. So many questions ran through my head. Does that mean Voldemort is back? Is there a war coming? Hermione sensed my confusion and squeezed my hand.

"Wha- what does this mean? For us?" I asked shakily. Before she answered, she stood up and climbed onto the couch and laid next to me, hugging my arm tightly while resting her head on my chest. We fit perfectly together. I felt her nuzzle her head into me and she let out a soft sniffle.

"I don't know." She finally answered. Those three words are something I rarely ever hear Hermione Granger every say. I knew something had changed. For worse. I ran my free hand through her hair. She fixed her grip on my hand and cuddled in closer. The warmth she gave off, was something I never wanted to go away.

"We'll be okay, especially at Hogwarts. It's the safest place to be." I told her reassuringly and she nodded into my neck. Her curly hair was caught in my fingers. "But I'm not sure if your hair will be. Jeez Mione, when's the last time you brushed it?" She shoved me and giggled softly.

"Oh shut it Em, you love my hair." She said playfully and knowingly. "Why else would you play with it practically everyday?" she got me there.

"Maybe because I feel bad for the head it sits on." I smiled sheepishly as she hit me in the arm not so playfully. "Ouch, aggressive much?" she giggled and wrapped her arm around my waist.

"Go to bed, you need the rest." Hermione answered.

"I'm even more wounded because of you, you know." she giggled and reached on top of the couch to grab a blanket as it was a little chilly. She wrapped me up in it, tugging the sides down and once again leaning back down and on my chest. I put my arm around her as she laid basically on me, but I didn't mind.

"Goodnight Em." she whispered.

"Goodnight Mione." I whispered back into her ear. As time went on, I felt my eyes slowly start to close and soon enough, we were fast asleep.

∗ ∗ ∗

time skip to a week ~

I woke up to a burning sensation at the back of my head. That deep cut on my head still hurt? I thought to myself. It had been a week since the attack at the Quidditch World Cup. The burrow had been hectic, everyone talked quietly about what has happened last week, especially Harry and Hermione. I found myself with Ron and the twins quite a lot, mostly when Hermione and Harry would talk nonstop about you-know-who. I got up slowly, seeing Hermione once again next to me on my air mattress instead of in her bed. I've noticed how worried and anxious she's been getting, and how she finds comfort in me. I mean I don't mind her sleeping next to me, she's my best friend after all and I really do like having someone there at night. Plus she was a cute sleeper and good cuddler. I stood up slowly, holding my head and smiled to myself as I watched Hermione sleep. I then realized what I was doing and shook the thoughts away, finding amusement in Ginny's bed hair. Sneaking out of the room, I grabbed my favorite hoodie and crept up the stairs. I took a left down the hallway towards the twins' room, stopping by the bathroom to fill up two glasses of cold, cold water from the faucet. Satisfied with the now filled glasses, I pulled my wand out from my pocket and levitated both full glasses into the air whispering one of my favorite spells, wingardium leviosa. I walked slowly, finally reaching the twins' door and reached for the door knob, twisting it slowly. I opened it to see George and Fred sound asleep, on either side of the room in their beds. I held my concentration but giggled discreetly at George's morning hair. Guess it runs in the family. I cautiously walked to the center of the room and smiled to myself at how genius my plan was.

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