chapter 39

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a/n: happy to be back!! have an awesome week my readers! love you guys <33 AND HAPPY SUMMER AHHHH

"We need to spread the word, but only to the people we trust." Hermione instructed me as we entered the great hall for breakfast.

"Have you figured out when or where we're doing this?" I asked her as she bit her lip.

"Well the first weekend of October is our Hogsmaede definitely then. And the where part, well either the Three Broomsticks..." she began in thought.

"Wouldn't in need to be more excluded? Like...maybe Hog's head?" I raised my eyebrows at her as she lit up.

"That's perfect Emelia...yes definitely Hog's Head." Hermione nodded to herself as we sat down, and were joined a minute later by the boys. I started on my eggs, spotting Ron reaching for the last pancake. I held my wand under the table, whispering the incantation for the food to float. Swiftly, I flicked my wand backwards as the pancake plopped down on my plate.

"Em! But that was the last one!" Ron whined, as a new pile appeared on the once deserted platter. I groaned while the ginger's face lit up, pulling the entire platter in front of him.

"I cannot believe it!" Hermione slammed down the newspaper from beside me, her nostrils flaring. Tugging the paper over, I read the section out loud.

"Ministry Passes Educational Decree Number Twenty-Three: Dolores Umbridge Appointed Hogwarts High Inquisitor." I glanced up as the group's faces had dropped.

"What's that mean?" Ron furrowed his eyebrows, putting down his silverware.

"It says here that the High Inquisitor has the power to inspect all the teachers." Hermione peered up.

"You're kidding!" Harry scoffed.

"That's not all. The High Inquisitor also has the power to sack teachers as well." Hermione stared at the paper.

"So, seen the news have you?" Fred leaned on the table, while George did the same.

"Personally, I envy you lot." George sighed.

"Now, why's that George?" I watched the ginger smirk.

"Umbridge is inspecting Mcgonagall in your period. That old toad won't know what hit her." George threw his arm around me. "Oh, to be a youth again, to experience the innocent glee of watching Umbridge be destroyed by the greatest head of gryffindor this century." he shook his head, and tutted.

"Well, we'll expect a full report after." Fred jumped off the table.

"Complete with facial expressions." George added before marching off with his brother. Ron wiggled his nose at the gingers.


∗ ∗ ∗

"Greetings my children. I sense even now that many of you have already made the transition beyond!" Trelawney ran her hands across the air. Umbridge stood behind her, smiling in that toad-like way that made me want to slap it right off of her. "Today we will be continuing our interpretations of prophetic dream. Please divide into your groups and discuss your recent night time visions using the text as a guide." she instructed us. I opened up my textbook, searching for the page as I heard someone clear their throat beside me. Side-eyeing the slytherin, I ignored him, focusing back on the task.

"So, Kilton...what did you dream about last night? Or should I say, who?" the slytherin whispered, raising his eyebrows with a snarky smirk.

"Not you." I smiled, picking up my things and leaving to sit across the room with Harry and Ron.

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