chapter 31

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a/n: appreciate everyone that has been keeping up w the story!! who's excited for fifth year? I know I am haha love everyone and have a brilliant week <3

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How are you? Hope your parents are well. My aunt has been a bloody nightmare. Wish I could get out of here. Just have to wait until we're seventeen, right? Then we can stay at Hogwarts over the summer. I miss everyone. A lot. Need someone to talk to. Well really just you.

Missing you H.


∗ ∗ ∗


How's your summer going? Better not be cooking anything without me. I've got some things in mind. How do you feel about learning how to make some good old California pizza? Have you ever even had pizza? Do wizards eat pizza?

Anyways, miss you and the smell of burnt ovens.

Wishing you all the best.


∗ ∗ ∗


How have you been? Did you hear about the Cleansweep 11? The new prototype is supposed to be the fastest broom in the world. Wish I could get my hands on it. Have you heard from Ron or Hermione? I haven't gotten anything from them. Miss you.

Let me know how you're holding up.


∗ ∗ ∗


I'm okay. Miss you and everyone too. Haven't heard from them either. Maybe Hermione is writing us a novel instead of a letter. Wouldn't be surprised. Cleansweep 11 looks nasty, bet you could fly circles around Malfoy if you had that thing.

How's that twat Dudley treating you? You know I would beat his arse if he does anything.

Hope your summer is going well.


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How has your summer been? Hope you're not driving your mum crazy now that you and George can use magic outside of school. Better tell me all about your plans for this year. Let me in on a few schemes.

Missing you a lot Fred.


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How are you and your family? I've got some ideas for those bloody fireworks of yours. Hope all is well George. Miss you.

Could you possibly send me some of your mum's chocolate chip cookies? Thanks.

All love,


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Hey Gin! Bet you're having a wild summer now the twins are allowed to use magic. Hope you're having a good time. Wish I could talk to you, miss you so much.

Toss some stink pellets in their room for me when they're snoozing. Love you.


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It's been two months Em, I've heard nothing from anyone but you. Do you think something happened? Let me know if you get anything.

Granger, you've done it again | hermione granger x fem ocWhere stories live. Discover now