chapter 4

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a/n: hello! I'm happy you made it here :) have a good day love

Leaving Zonko's joke shop, each of us carried bags overfilled with so called pranking necessities (which is what Fred calls them). From dungbombs to nose-biting teacups, I'd say we were stocked up for the school year. Fred took all the products from us, as George took my trunk and books while I had my robes and Huey. We finally made it to the car, lugging everything around was a lot more work than I expected. I sat with Huey in the back, as the twins piled in, already ripping open the pranking products and candy.

"These are going to make this year bloody wild!" Fred held up some frog spawn soap, as I could see his mind already in the works of scheming and pranking. George snickered in agreement, starting up the car. I reached for some sweets that was at the bottom of one of the bags, hearing my stomach growl.

"Oi!" George snatched the sweets back from me before I could eat them, as Fred groaned and hit George in the arm.

"Hey!" I went to get the candy back but my arm was swatted down by George.

"She was just about to eat them! Georgie why do you always have to ruin all of the fun!" Fred pouted, crossing his arms.

"These...are Hiccough Sweets, Em." George threw them back in the bag as Fred stuck his tongue out at his brother. Realization hit me, as George had just saved me from a long car ride of uncontrollable hiccups and coughs.

"Exactly." Fred grinned holding out a sweet to me.

"You're funny." I ruffled Fred's hair and whispered a thank you to George as he smiled back and drove us up into the air. I let out a yawn, laying back against the seat and resting my head against the window. Fred turned on some music, as I suddenly felt quite tired from the long day.

∗ ∗ ∗

"Where are we?" I lifted my head up off the car window and looked out of it to see the sun going down, it's almost night time.

"Good morning sunshine." George grinned at me and I grinned back. I looked at Fred who was in the passenger seat, fast asleep. He was a cute sleeper I had to admit. I didn't even realize I watching him sleep. "Alright pack up the drool stalker." George snickered as I hit his arm playfully. "Hey woah, I'm driving here Missy." I shook my head and giggled at the ginger.

"No but really, where are we?" I asked him curiously.

"We Em....are home." George replied, I scooted over between the two front seats and saw a very tall, lopsided house with so many stories, I couldn't count them. Fred finally woke up from the sound of the smooth engine shutting down.

"Well, well good morning sleeping beauty." George chuckled and hit his brother on the head.

"Ouch, Georgie watch it." Fred said grumpily.

"Aww look who's all grumpy this morning. Didn't get enough beauty sleep there freddie?" I said mockingly. George laughed and high-fived me while Fred let out a slight giggle that he didn't think we could hear. I got out of the car and grabbed Huey's cage, letting Fred try and get my trunk up out of the car who was still half asleep. A lopsided sign stuck in the ground near the entrance that read, the burrow. A pile of rubber boots sat on the walkway where chickens were pecking around. George led the way in through the front door. The house had a welcoming and cozy atmosphere that made me feel at home instantly. And I loved it. I had never seen a magical household like this. The dishes were cleaning themselves, The table was being cleaned with a rag, and no one was holding it. It was a marvelous sight.

"Mum, we're back!" George shouted up the stairs. Then only a few moments later, a stout woman with red hair came in from the laundry room holding a basket of clothes.

"Ronald come down and help me with the- oh my you must be Emelia! It is so nice to meet you, I'm Mrs. Weasley!" She came over and gave me a big warm hug which took me aback a moment but I  hugged her right after. She gave amazing hugs.

"Yes I am." I said smiling.

"Sorry if those two drove you crazy, I'm surprised they haven't driven me mad." She said rolling her eyes at them. I turned around to see them snickering.

"Oh no, they were wonderful Mrs. Weasley. I'm very grateful for everything. Thank you so much." I thanked her as she gave me another hug.

"It's no problem dear, we're getting ready for dinner if you'd like to join us. You'll be staying with Ginny in her room, she's my youngest girl."

"And only!" The twins say in unison. Fred winked at me and disappeared upstairs with George.

"Ginny! Come down here, I want you to meet someone." Mrs. Weasley yelled up the stairs and I peered up to see an uncountable number of crooked and winding stairs. Two heads covered with that same ginger hair poked out. I then heard two pairs of footsteps coming down the stairs and soon enough I met in front of me a red headed boy, around my age and a red headed girl. She looked a bit younger.

"Hi! I'm Emelia. Emelia Kilton." I said first, with a big smile.

"Hi, I'm Ginny." The girl said with a warm smile, and hugged me.

"Elo, I'm Ron. You must be a first yea-"

"-I'm so happy I have another girl here!!" Ginny squealed, cutting Ron off as she took my arm and brought me up the creaky stairs.

"It was nice to meet you R-" My voice trailed off as I was rushed the other way. After climbing the stairs that seemed like forever, Ginny led me to her room. It was a small, but comfortable and cozy. Mrs. Weasley had somehow already set up a mattress beside Ginny's bed.

"I'll have Ron go and grab your trunk so you can wash up before dinner time." She was already out of the room before I could thank her. A few minutes later I heard a knock and Ron stood in the doorway, my trunk in hand.

"Where would you like this?" Ron cleared his throat and asked looking around the room.

"Oh, right there is fine." I smiled and nodded, pointing to a corner in the room as he obliged.

"Sorry we didn't get to talk much earlier, Gin is just excited to have another girl in the house. You see there's 7 of us boys including my dad and only 2 girls, Gin and my mum." he counted on his fingers.

"It's okay." I answered smiling. " I can see now why she was so excited. But thanks for bringing up my trunk." I thanked him and he stood there for a moment looking at me until finally Ginny came in behind him with a towel for me. Ron slightly blushed, realizing he was staring. He waved to me then left the room. Ginny handed me the towel and showed me how to work the shower. After a quick shower I got into some fresh clothes and pet Huey a bit before I glanced and saw Fred leaning on the door frame.

"Hey Em, dinner time!" He grinned at me and I grinned back.

"Race you there Freddie, winner gets loser's dessert!" And with that we raced down the stairs.

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