chapter 12

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a/n:  PLEASE READ!!! Hi, so I'm thinking about putting in some images or picture more often... like from outfits you are wearing to just pic of Hermione.. what do you all think? please vote if you would like them!!

"Alright boys I'm off to bed." I ruffled Harry's hair and kissed Ron on his head before leaving.

"Ugh, you're just like my mum." Ron sighed in disgust but soon chuckled after.

"Well with a big head like yours, you need more than one person taking care of it." I smirked and blew him a kiss then wished Harry a good nights' sleep.

I left the boys' room and walked quietly to the twins' room. I knocked on the door and slowly opened it to see them sitting on the floor surrounded by a whole bunch of what they called 'pranking necessities'. I subtly knocked on their door to grab their so focused attention.

"Just wanted to stop by to wish good night to my oh so pleasant sire's." I curtsied and walked into the room getting a few laughs from the both of them.

"Sorry we didn't get to spend too much time with you today, I know we are going back to school in just a few days' time." George replied putting down some type of chalk that I wasn't sure what they were doing with.

"Don't worry about it. I can see you're really focused on-" I motioned towards the whole room. "This." I chuckled and went down to sit between the two of them.

"So, you gunna tell me what you two are up to?" I scooted over to George and leaned my head on his shoulder. Fred, looking up for the first time since I've been there because of his focus on whatever he was doing, and smiled at me.

"These right here love, are what we like to call-".

"Chat chalk." George finished. I moved my head off of George's shoulder, curious on what they were on about. They looked in between each other then back at me.

"Well what are you bloody waiting for? Go on!" I answered excitedly. Fred grinned and George winked at me. Then, Fred picked up the basic piece of chalk that was sitting on the ground, next to around twenty others.

"So, going off of what George said- this is what we like to call 'chat chalk 'and-".

"You're probably wondering what it does-". George finished him off, grinning ear to ear. I rolled my eyes, mad at the way they were making me wait to know what it did.

"Oh come on, tell me." I crossed my arms and pouted.

"Alright alright, George tell her what it is." Fred finally gave in. George took the piece of chalk from Fred and held it up in front of me.

"This is no regular piece of chalk love. This chalk, it's what all the kids this year at Hogwarts will be sneaking into the teachers classrooms. You see, when the professor goes to write on the board, this beauty will have a little chat on the chalkboard with the teacher while they are writing." Fred winked at me, and went on after George.

"And by chat, he means a bit of flirty chats, if you know what I mean." Fred laughed and high-fived George. "If we stay up tonight, we can try and work out the kinks now in order for it to be ready for the start of school." I looked at the both of them with awe.

"That's wicked." I grin at them and pat them on their backs. I listened to them talk about their other products and ideas they have, I hadn't even realized a whole other hour had gone by. I yawned and stretched my arms out, watching them work.

"You don't need to stay up for us you know." Fred looked at me with a cheeky smile.

"Yeah you need your beauty sleep more than us." George shoved me playfully and I obliged, leaving two determined red heads to themselves.

Granger, you've done it again | hermione granger x fem ocWhere stories live. Discover now