chapter 25

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a/n: guys i love you all thank you so much for everythinggg ahhh, have a great week!!

"Thank you professor!" I whispered before closing the heavy door. I turned to Harry who had already begun to walk ahead in the quiet corridor. I jogged up to him as he opened his mouth to say something, muffled voices were heard from the herbs quarter. He raised his eyebrows at me as I nodded my head toward the direction farther ahead of the hall. We walked closer to the hushed but audible voices.

"It's a sign Severus, you know what it means as well as I." the deep voice held a strong accent as I glanced to Harry. 'Snape' I mouthed to Harry who nodded his head. Suddenly the door to the herbs store swung open, revealing the durmstrang headmaster with his sleeve up showing...a dark mark. The snake covered his forearm but the sight was quickly blocked with his sleeve. He stared down Snape before storming out past us.

"Kilton, what are you doing out at this late of an hour? " Snape eyed me before turning his attention to the scarred boy. "Potter, What's your hurry? Though I suppose a congratulations is in order for your performance in the black lake...inspiring. Gilliweed, am I correct?"

"Yes sir." Harry muttered in response.

"Ingenious. A rather rare herb gilliweed, not something found in your every day garden. Nor is this, know what it is?" the professor held up a vile filled with a clear substance.

"Bubble juice sir?" Harry said, forcing me to stifle a small laugh. Snape flipped his head my way making me close my mouth instantly.

"Veritaserum, Miss Kilton. Three drops of this and you-know-who himself will spill his darkest secrets. The use of this on a student is regrettably forbidden, however should you ever steal from my personal stores again, my hand might just slip over your morning pumpkin juice." he eyed Harry.

"I haven't stolen anything." Harry spoke up in his defense.

"Don't lie to me. Gilliweed might be innocuous, but boomslang skin? lacewing flies? You and your friends are brewing polyjuice potion and believe me I'm going to find out why." he threw his cape and entered the small room as Harry narrowed his eyes before going to leave.

"I'll catch up with you Har." I told him as he gave me an odd look. I nodded my head reassuring the boy who cared for me. "really." I motioned for him to go, taking a second for him to give in and leave. I steadily walked towards the open door, leaning my shoulder on the frame. Snape had his back turned as he was going through viles filled with all types of potions. I hesitated for a moment, weighing my options and thinking of just letting my curiosity be. But my want to know clouded my rationality.

"Professor?" I called out as he abruptly stopped, not turning around to face me.

"Miss Kilton." he responded in his low voice, as I looked down trying to choose my words.

"This morning...Madame Pomphrey told me you had asked how I was." I started.

"And..." he muttered, continuing to stack viles.

"It's just, I'm curious as to why you care whether I was okay or not. I don't really see you as the type of...person to check up on me." I shifted from one foot to another. "Why do you care?" I spoke the blatant question making him stop what he was doing. He slowly turned around to face me, hesitating.

"You remind me of someone." he simply stated, throwing around his robe and swiftly exiting the room without turning back. The statement threw me off, as that was not what I was expecting. But I don't really know what it was that I was expecting in the first place.

"Professor!" I peered down the corridor but the head of slytherin was gone. I started off back to our common room, with only my thoughts to accompany me. The only question in my mind was the interest of who it was I pertained to. Shaking those thoughts away, I entered the common room to see it was empty, besides the focused brunette that sat at a desk by the window. It was my first time back in the common room and the people I had hoped to greet were already in their dorms. Hermione sat at an older table and chair, with books and parchment scattered across the small surface. Her robe sat on the seat across from her, as she wore only a white collared shirt, some buttons undone and her hair was in a messy, low bun. Her brown eyes were focused, while her hand gripped a quickly moving feather that spread ink across the filled parchment. I silently sat down across from her, admiring her concentrated face. I cleared my throat, making her glance up.

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