chapter 14

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a/n: thanks for reading again!!

I had just gulped down the last of my juice as Dean tugged at my arm.

"Looks like you've got an admirer Em." He swung his eyes motioning towards a determined Beauxbaton girl that was making her way over to me. Quite a lot of eyes were on her as she was the only person up and moving around instead of eating. Ron fixed himself up and wiped his face quickly, expecting the girl was fawning over him. But as she came closer and it had shown she had her blue eyes focused on me and myself only. Dean quickly stood up and put his napkin down on the table. Of course, he was going to move to make room for her to sit next to me.

"I've got to go to the uh- bathroom." He winked at me as he left the hall. Just then the girl had walked up to me, and wow she was really, really attractive.

"Is this seat taken?" She asked me in particular, her strong french accent showed through as she talked.

"No, not at all." I answered friendly, gesturing towards the now open seat. She nodded her head and sat down next to me. Ron was deeply confused at what was going on and he went to comment, thankfully Harry elbowed him before he could embarrass himself. Everyone knew exactly what was going on, besides myself and Ron it seemed.

"I'm Célia Cartier. I was wondering if I could learn yours...?" she looked up at me with a twinkle in her eye.

"I'm Emelia. Emelia Kilton." I reached out my hand to shake hers, and I could tell she wasn't used to that custom. But she shook it anyways and I smiled at the attempt at the gesture. "So what brings you to the gryffindor table?" I asked, still lost at what the meaning of the sudden interaction was.

"Well, I was wondering if maybe you could, give me a tour of your school sometime?" she asked shyly but she was adorable.

"Sure. I could show you around sometime, if you'd like." I smiled at her and with that she smiled widely back, then began to stand up, with a tint of pink on her cheeks.

"That would be lovely. It was pleasant to meet you, Emelia." and with that, she kissed both sides of my cheeks as a farewell and strutted back to the ravenclaw table. I felt my cheeks burn up as I turned to look back at my friends, who stared at me in disbelief.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron, still confused at the whole situation looked at me for help. But I too was confused as well.

"I honestly, I dunno what just happened." But I smiled down at my plate and peeked over to the ravenclaw table to see her friends chatting excitedly to them. I caught her eye and she smiled again as I quickly looked back down.

∗ ∗ ∗

"Em you've got to be completely blind at this point." Harry stated to me, back in the common room.

"What are you implying Harry?" I looked at him, totally rethinking the whole conversation.

"For merlin's sake Emelia, she was flirting with you!" Hermione answered from the corner of the room, throwing her book down on her lap, quite aggressively actually. I stared at her and then shifted my gaze to the fire.

"Theres no way." I finally answered her, who was still fuming for some reason. I just didn't accept the fact that that was what was actually going on. "I don't even like girls in that way. Do I ?" I turned towards the three of them looking for an answer I obviously wouldn't find.

"How are we supposed to know that answer?" After a pause, Ron continued "You know it kind of is a turn on." he says finally, clearing up the tension in the room.

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