chapter 5

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a/n: I legit started this yesterday and I'm so into it haha thanks for reading again :) I must be doing sumtin right then lmao

"Em...Emelia wake up! Come on, today's your big day!" I opened up one eye to see Ginny brushing her hair and getting ready. It must be early early because the house was actually quiet for once.

"Ginny please shut those curtains the sun is killing my eyes." I groaned and threw my face into my pillow. The past few days have been amazing at the burrow. Fred, George, Ron, Ginny and I all played quidditch in the backyard and I love it. I think George was right, because the more I flew, the less scared I was about falling. It's so freeing. I know I won't make it this year and most likely not next year because there aren't any spots open for chaser, but third year is definitely looking hopeful. Ginny and I have been staying up way too late at night. But it's been totally worth it. She told me all about Hogwarts. I wish she was Ron and I 's age because it would've been so fun to experience my first year of school with her. Wait...I have school!! I totally forgot until now, but I'm so excited!

"Em, come on and get up or I'm gunna tackle you." she threatened, making me laugh at that. She basically weighed nothing. But I regretted that laugh right after Ginny pounced on me and started tickling me like crazy. I roared with laughter and rolled off the bed, trying to push her off of me. Finally she gave in and helped me get up.

"Jeez Gin, didn't know you had that type of strength." I chuckled.

"Well now you know to get up when I tell you to, Kilton." She stood with her arms crossed trying to keep a straight face. But she easily failed at that and started rolling over with laughter. Ron was by the door with toast in his hands, watching us laugh our heads off.

"Top of the morning to you ladies." Ron greeted us with his mouth full. Ginny threw a pillow at him, who stumbled back and dropped his half-eaten toast. Ginny froze where she was. We both knew not to mess with Ron when he has food. Ron loves his food. Ginny sprinted full speed out of the room and swerved around Ron slyly.

"You'll pay for this Ginny!" Ron yelled after Ginny. I smiled and got up to start to get ready when I heard a knock on the door. Then I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Why good morning Miss Kilton, I, Sir Weasley, am at your service madam." Fred bowed and grinned at me.

"Good morning to you too, Sir Weasley." I then curtsied and giggled. Fred smirked back and motioned downstairs for me to come down for breakfast. Soon after we ate, we changed into our clothes and arrived at the train station. It was super crowded and we were rushing, about to be late to the train. I was in between Fred and George when we made it to...a brick wall? The Weasley family and I all stood in front of the wall where a sign stuck out, platform 9 3/4 was written across it.

"Alright Percy, you first." Mrs. Weasley motioned towards the wall and then for some odd reason, Percy started to run at the wall. And the next moment, he was gone...he went through the wall. Man I love magic, I thought to myself. "Fred, you next." she instructed him.

"He's not Fred I am." Fred said mockingly.

"Honestly woman, you call yourself our mother." George spoke, going in on Fred's joke. And somehow, Mrs. Weasley believed it...I tried to hide my smile as hard as I could.

"I'm only joking I am Fred." Fred said smirking at his annoyed mother as he winked at me before running through the barrier. Then after Fred, went George who had a grin on his face. Not long after, I heard another cart being pulled up behind me and Ron. We both looked over and saw a boy our age, with jet-black hair and green eyes, wearing round glasses and dressed in a flannel.

"Excuse me...c-could you tell me, how to." and he motioned towards the wall.

"How to get onto the platform?" Mrs. Weasley smiled warmly. "Not to worry dear, it's Ron and Emelia's first time to Hogwarts as well." Ron and I smiled sweetly at him. She explained how to do it to him and Ron gave me a reassuring look. He could see I was just as nervous as the other boy. Ginny wished him good luck, and he went through the barrier as well. I was up next and gave Mrs. Weasley a big hug, and Ginny, promising we would write to each other. Then with that, I ran at the barrier at full pelt, squeezing my eyes shut tight. But I didn't hit anything. I opened my eyes and I was suddenly on the other side of the wall, the atmosphere changed...where I was standing on a completely different platform. The sight was amazing. The train was bigger than I imagined. And old fashioned, with Hogwarts Express written across the front. I clutched my trolley, there were other kids our age and older with their families, some crying as they were hugged and kissed by protective mothers. I felt a pang of loneliness at the sight. I saw the other boy we had just met and smiled at him. Ron rolled his trolley besides mine, as he watched in awe too.

"Ready?" Ron asked, raising his eyebrows at me. I took a deep breath, taking one last look at the marvelous sight.


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