chapter 9

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a/n: thanks for reading :)

"Blimey dad, how far up are we?" Ron asked with a quivering voice. Before Mr. Weasley could answer, I saw two figures below us. That familiar bright platinum blonde hair caught my eye.

"Let me put it this way, if it'll be the first to know." Draco's father replied looking up at us. Draco smirked at the snarky reply.

"Father and I are in the minister's box, by personal invitation of Cornelious Fudge himself." Draco bragged at us. I hated this part of Draco. The boy below me seemed as if he had grown even darker over the summer.

"Don't boast, Draco. There's no need with these people." Lucius Malfoy replies to his son. I felt anger spark inside of me but Hermione pulled me back to leave to our seats. I heard a scrape by Harry's foot.

"Do enjoy yourself, won't you." Lucius smirked with his cane on Harry's shoe. "While you can." Lucius held an evil smile towards Harry then hesitantly lifted his cane off of his foot. I grabbed Harry's arm before he could say anything he might regret.

"Har, come on. Let's go." He resisted for one second, then looked at me and nodded. My heart started to beat normally again, I didn't even realize how fast it had gotten.

We finally got up to the seats, they were at the highest spot in the entire stadium. The Quidditch pitch seemed so small from up here, it was insane. The lights shown down, there were thousands of wizards and witches gathered to watch Victor Krum play against the Irish. Suddenly, the Irish flew in from above us and all around the stadium. Fred and George called out all the player's names as they spotted them. I even recognized a few because I loved the sport almost as much as them. The Irish sent up fireworks which turned into a dancing leprechaun that cheered and did Irish step dancing.

"Here come the Bulgarians!" George screamed pointing towards the team dressed in red and black come flying through the leprechaun. I glanced over at Hermione who was on my right and admired her glowing face. She really was gorgeous. I felt a nudge in my side from Harry.

"Stop drooling." He smirked at me and I felt my cheeks turn bright red.

"Oh shut it Harry." I scrunched my nose at him and stuck my tongue out.

"Who's that?" Ginny yelled over the crowd. I looked up to see her gesturing towards a player on a broom that was upside down, doing tricks.

"That right there sis." Fred started.

"Is Victor Krum." George finished for him.

"He's the best seeker in the world." Ron gazed at him in awe. The crowd and fans started to cheer Krum, Krum, Krum while he pumped his fist in the air and he was the center of attention. He flew around the edge of the pitch and he was shown up huge on the stadium flying and cheering.

∗ ∗ ∗

The twin's were laughing and singing back at the tent, even though the Irish may have lost, because Krum caught the snitch and carried the team." You owe me ten galleons brother." George laughed at Ron who got mad and started to stand up for Victor Krum in the tent.

"There's no one like Krum. He's like a bird the way he rides in the wind. He isn't just a seeker, he's an artist." Ron went on and on about Krum, praising him and giving him all the credit.

"Aww is Ronnie..." I started as Ginny finished for me.

"...In love!!" Ginny grinned.

"Oh shut it." Ron tore the Irish flag that Fred and George put on him as they circled him.

"Victor I love you. Victor I do." Then everyone chimed in with the twins making fun of Ron.

"Oi, sounds like the Irish has really go their pride on, eh?" Fred commented, as we heard shrieks outside of the tent and screams.

"That's not the Irish." Mr. Weasley came back into the tent with worry etched right on his face. "Stop, stop it. It's not the Irish. We have got to get out of here now." I looked at Hermione who looked back, I grabbed Hermione and Ron who had Harry and left the tent to find chaos everywhere.

"Get to the portkey everybody, and stick together!" Fred and George grabbed Ginny and me, Ron, Hermione and Harry were left together. We ran after to leave and Harry stumbled, looking over in the other direction. I turned to see these people in black robes and masks, holding torches...looking like almost a cult. I reached for Harry and ran towards Hermione who grabbed my hand. People were scrambling and running in every direction. My grip slipped from Hermione and the warmth was filled with cold.

"Mione!" I was pushed back and into Harry who turned to see it was me and he grabbed my hand. We were surrounded fire and death. I stumbled while Harry tried to pull me and fell onto the ground, feeling a sharp pang in the back of my head as the world turned black.

∗ ∗ ∗

I felt a shiver go down my spine and looked up to see Harry looking down at me with fear in his green eyes, and dried blood covering his cheek. "Bloody Har! What happened."

"You're awake, we've got to get out of here." Harry looked around for help. I felt the back of my head and smelt blood, only to see actual blood on my hand.

"What the...bloody hell." I started to take in my surroundings, fires were still sprouting around, and everything was totally wrecked. I heard a man yell something and a green skeleton like cloud formed in the sky, with a snake that swerved out of it, rounding the sky. I saw the figure who had casted the spell start walking towards me. I scooted back quickly, still feeling my head throb.

"Ha-Har." I looked and saw no sign of Harry. I was alone.

"She's this way." I heard the familiar voice of Harry and more footsteps behind him.

"Har, I'm- I'm over here." I mustered enough strength to sit up.

"Emelia!" That comforting voice of Hermione overtook my senses. The smell of her lavender perfume took the air and soon enough I felt her wrap her arms around me.

"Mione." I looked up at her and could see the tears swelling up in her dark, brown eyes that draw me in to her. "It's m-my head." I pointed towards the back of my head where the rock had broke through my skin. A look of worry and concern washed over her face as she lifted me up and examined my head.

"You're bleeding. Here." she took off her jumper and put pressure where the deep cut was, holding it upright.

"Harry!" we looked over to see Harry grabbing at his scar as he looked up at the mark in the sky. He groaned and bent over.

"Stupefy!" spells were cast directly at us four where we stood and Hermione dragged us downwards, dodging the spells. I grabbed at the back of my head. That quick movement making it throb even worse than it already was.

"STOP IT. THAT'S MY SON!" Mr. Weasley came barging in through the Ministry members and stood in front of us. I felt the world start to turn upside down falling back to the ground. The world had turned black again and I was out.

∗ ∗ ∗

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