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Happy and I were driving to school, I was gazing out the window still trying to wake up a bit. I watched as pedestrians with their dogs or children walked by the tall buildings. I watched how the scenery would change every time we turned, it was an overall peaceful morning until we went through Queens. There was more commotion than the rest of New York which was odd. I looked over at Happy who was also visibly confused.

"Is it just me or does something not feel right." Happy said when we turned the corner and my eyes went wide.

"I think that just answered your question." It was Delmars, what was once a building was now pieces of concrete in complete disarray. The big sign was charred and the warmth of the charming store was gone. "Happy, stop the car."

"Y/N, you're going to be late for school-" I shot him a glare and he reluctantly pulled over. Opening the car door I saw Mr. Delmar talking to a first responder about the store.

"Mr. Delmar!" I ran over to him, closing the door of the car. The deli owner turned around and looked at me with worry in his eyes. He wrapped me in a hug.

"Oh Dios mío niña, que haces aqui? You should be at school." He pulled away and looked at me.

"The better question is what happened?" I said straightening his shirt a bit.

"There was an explosion." The officer interjected, closing his notepad. "Your friend here reports that he was watching Spider-Man stop a robbery at the ATM across the street. Right when he was about to call us something shot out from over there causing the destruction here." I turned my head around to see the ATM, the windows were covered with plastic sheets sealed by blue tape.

"I don't know what I'm going to do, Stark... I doubt my insurance is going to cover the damage and then if they rebuild I need to save money for restocking. Todo es un gran desastre." He threw his hands up, exasperated.

"Mr. Delmar I'll cover it-"

"No no-no-no. Absolutely not. I'll find the money myself I don't-" I cut him off.

"Mr. Delmar, you have been my friend for years now and when I see my friends struggle I help them." He sighed and nodded.

"You're a good person Y/N. How can I repay you?" He ruffled my hair.

"No es necesario que me pagues," I chuckled.

"Ok, tienes que ir a la escuela ahora," He turned me around and nudged me in the direction of my car.

"Bye Mr. Delmar!" I waved back to him and went on my way back to the car when I saw Peter and Ned staring at the obliterated building. They hadn't seen me yet so I decided to walk up to them.

"You could've died..." I heard Ned say in a hushed tone. "Do you lay eggs?"

"What! Noooo." Peter chuckled. What were they talking about? Peter could've died? Was he here last night? No, the cop said Spider-Man- oh Spider-Man! That makes sense. Wait, does that mean Ned knows?

"Hey, guys!" They both looked at me. Ned was clearly panicked.

"H-hey Y-Y/N, h-how um heh how's it g-going?"

"Chill Quirinus Quirrell I already know." I laughed.

"Know- know what?" He blinked, putting his hands in his pockets.

"That Peter's, you know," I looked around to make sure no one was listening, "Spidey-Boy." Ned smiled as I looked over at Peter. He was staring at me with malcontent, why? I don't know.

"You call him Spidey-Boy?" Ned clucked. I hummed confirming Ned's question. I was too preoccupied with Peter's reaction to my presence to care.

"Hey what's up with you?" I crossed my arms. Peter was silent and right when he opened his mouth Happy honked the car horn yelling at me to get back in the car. "Talk to me at school." I pointed my finger at him and walked away.

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