Radioactive Tension

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A few weeks had gone by since the first day of school. A new excitement buzzed through the halls of midtown this morning. Today was the first field trip of the year, it was for the freshmen and so, naturally, Peter and I were ecstatic. I was waiting on Peter's bed watching him dart from place to place grabbing things and stuffing them in his backpack.

"You do know you only need a water bottle, a sack lunch, and a hoodie, right?" I say holding back my laughter,

"I know! But I want to document the moment, so I'm bringing my camera with me. And for that, I need the charger." he had an exasperated look on his face, his lips were slightly pursed, and he had his signature puppy dog eyes, he was just so adorable sometimes, I couldn't take it.

"You know they might not even let you take that into the facility, General Techtronics Co is known for some top-secret experiments! You can't just record them, what if you accidentally get some unwanted data or government information. The FBI might hunt you down or something..."

Peter's expression grew scared, "You really think that could happen?" I stayed silent for a moment before,

"No, I'm totally kidding!" I laughed, "You really think they'd let a group of teenagers run around where there's radioactivity? Especially when one of those kids is Flash Thompson." He frowned at me, not seeming amused with me freaking him out like that. All of a sudden I see him lunge at me.

"You think that's funny?" He said laughing

"No, no, Peter! You know I hate-" I was beginning to erupt into a fit of giggles, "-being tickled!" I started laughing uncontrollably. He was chuckling in amusement at my flailing body, running his fingers all around my torso. I tried swatting him away continuously, and after a few slaps on the wrist he stopped, he proceeded to roll over onto his back staring up at his top bunk. I was sitting there catching my breath still chuckling here and there, while Peter was giggling to himself. I punched his arm and got up from his bed. Grabbing my backpack before turning to him,

"Now are you ready to go? I want to grab a sandwich at Delmar's for lunch."

"Y/N it's 7:30 am, lunch isn't for hours!" He laughed as he got up to grab his bag,

"I'm saving it for later bozo," I shoved him jokingly and he just looked down and shook his head, "and I suggest you do the same thing, I love May but you told me she's the one making your lunch, and let's be real here..." I paused and looked at him, "she's no Gordon Ramsay." He laughed at my little comment as we stepped out of his room,

"I heard that!" Aunt May called down from the hallway. I clasped a hand over my mouth and felt my cheeks heat up, Peter started roaring with laughter,

"Sorry May!" I yelled sheepishly,

"It's fine!" her voice lowered a bit as she said, "it's true..."


"Hey, Mr. Delmar!" Peter said very enthusiastically as we walked into the little Deli-Mart,

"Sup Murph," I yawned as I went over to pet the fluffy cat,

"Mr. Parker," he pauses to yawn, "why are you-" he snaps his fingers trying to think of the right words, "muy entusiasmado so early in the morning?" he stretches a bit as he approaches the counter.

"He's like this every morning Mr. Delmar, don't ask me why I really don't know..." I say groggily picking up the cat and stroking it in my arms,

"You know you're the only person he allows to pick him up, right? He doesn't even let me pick him up," he says motioning to Murph who was snuggled up in my arms,

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