Decathalon Travels

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Peter's POV:

"Alright, so I spoke with Ned," I ran up to Y/N in the hallway "and he made the discovery that the Chitauri gem thing was connected to microprocessors. Meaning that whoever is making these things is-"

"Combining alien tech with ours," She finished.

"Hey, that's what I said," I chuckled and lightly hit her in the arm. She laughed and shoved me.

"Shut up stupid." I took mock offense. We were both laughing and joking around as Ned joined us on our walk to class. "Hey, Ned."

"Hi," he said short and then turned to me, "Ok first, I say we put the glowy thing in the mass Big-Tron."

"Well, first we gotta come up with a better name than 'glowy thing'."

"It's called a Chitauri gem, nimrod's," Y/N groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Oh, right I forgot about that." I felt a little embarrassed at how that slipped my mind so quickly.

"Wait, how'd you know that?" Ned questioned, assuming that we should tell Ned about Anode I went ahead and answered.

"Y/N is-"

"-helping out, Peter told me about this stuff last night and he sent me a photo of the object in question. So I had FRIDAY analyze it and that's how we found out it was from the attack on New York." She stared daggers into my chest, clearly, she didn't want Ned to know. I'd have to ask her about that later. We continued walking down the hallway until I saw two familiar men.

"Crap!" I grabbed Y/N's hand and pulled her behind the wall, I didn't realize she was gripped into my chest. Paying no attention to her I looked back to the criminals walking down my school hallway. They passed us and went on to a different hallway. I looked back at Y/N and for a split second she seemed flustered, am I hallucinating, or is she blushing? Then she seemed to snap back to reality and got her usual Stark-smirk on her face.

"Gee Peter if you wanted to be spontaneous and make out in the hallway you could've just asked." She teased, I quickly pushed her off me, feeling my face heat up.

"N-no th-that's not whAt I meanT-" Then she started laughing her honey filled laugh. It trapped me in a trance; I found myself, for a split second, forgetting about proving myself to Mr. Stark and forgetting about Spider-Man. I just smiled and listened to her laugh. NO, stop it, Peter. Stop stop stop.

"Now tell me why you pulled me so harshly."

"I saw one of the guys that tried to kill u- I mean me." Her face dropped, her smile was now replaced with a grave look.

"What?!" Ned gasped,


"You gotta get out of here!"

"No." We both looked at Y/N, her bracelet was projecting a blue holographic screen that she was scrolling through. "It's not every day one of the biggest essential clues you need comes to your school." She seized my arm and activated my web-shooters, "FRIDAY log into Spidey's trackers...... Thank you FRIDAY you're a doll as always." She gave back my wrist and turned off the hologram. "You know what to do." I nodded.

"My friends are so cool," Ned sighed in awe.

"Hey, you're pretty cool too," Y/N said then turned back to me. "What are you still doing here? Go!" She ushered me down the hallway.


"This is so cool..." Ned fawned over the red projection coming out of my web-shooters, Y/N laughed a bit. It was a map of New York City, and in the middle of the plain was a red dot indicating the tracker. Y/N was on the top of the bunk bed looking at an identical map from her bracelet.

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