Bold of You To Assume

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Peter's POV:

Unbelievable. She's always so overprotective, I'm not a kid Y/N stop treating me like one. Damn, that's a good line, why didn't I say that? She can be so-

"Um, Peter? I finished the suit." My ears perked up and I turned to Ned, I was grinning excitedly. "Are we sure this is a good idea?" He said as I slipped on the suit.

"Of course it is, why wouldn't it be?" I asked, jumping up and down fitting my legs into the spandex.

"Well Y/N was part of this whole operation and I just don't think it's a good idea to go to Maryland without her." I rolled my eyes and groaned pressing the emblem on my chest.

"Look Ned right now Y/N is taking after Mr. Stark, she has no faith in me whatsoever."

"I don't know, Peter, maybe I should call her-" He started reaching for his phone and I webbed it slinging it back to me.

"Don't you dare tell her, she's already mad enough and I can't make her even more disappointed than she already is." He sighed and nodded in agreement, pulling on my sweater I headed out the door and swung away. I was excited that I had no more restrictions on my suit. It felt freeing and now I could definitely prove myself to Mr. Stark. I'd be an Avenger in no time, and it's all thanks to Ned. And I'm sure Y/N would forgive me once she realizes that I'm more capable than she thinks I am. I do feel bad though, I mean she slaved away for who knows how long to make this suit for me and I took it apart for my personal benefit... Right now isn't the time to think about Y/N, you've got bad guys to catch.



"What the...?" Is my phone ringing? I thought I left that with Ned...

"Hello Peter, it seems as though Ms. Stark is trying to contact you."

"AH!" I fell out of the tree I was perched on.

"Oh my, Ms. Stark would disable me if you're hurt. Let me run vitals." Suddenly this tingly thing ran throughout my body.

"Hey! Stop that, I'm fine." I stood up.

"Well great, would you like to answer Ms. Stark's call?" The womanly voice rang through my ears.

"I- I- um- decline call." My words were followed by a quiet beep. "Um... so who are you?"

"I'm your AI, Mr. Stark and Ms. Stark each have one as well." It spoke,

"I'm gonna have to continue this later I got bad guys to trail."

"I have the maps pulled up right here, now keep going straight-"


My eyes slowly opened to reveal the dark inside of a container, I must have been in one of the trucks.

"You appear to have a mild concussion." The voice said but I ignored it.

"Hey, so where am I right now?" I asked.

"I'm not sure... the container walls are hindering my sensors."

"Wait a minute... they must have hijacked the truck and taken me to their evil lair. Ok suit lady we're going to have to fight our way out of this one."


I hopped back and forth between my front and back leg.


I started to run.


And finally crashed through the doors, closing my eyes for the impact I didn't notice my entirely new surroundings. Once I was ready I finally opened my eyes to see white lights and rows and rows of cargo trucks.

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