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Y/N's Perspective:

Michelle and I were chilling in our motel room reading books and such when I started to get hungry. I remembered there was a vending machine downstairs so I grabbed my wallet from the bedside table.

"Hey I'm gonna go get something to eat, you want anything?" I asked MJ who plainly stated 'Raisinets' as her choice of food. I don't understand how anyone could like Raisinets they're so... Raisin-y...

I don't think about it too much and walk down to the machine, passing a few classmates on the way. When I get down the stairs my phone starts to ring displaying the caller ID "Iron Father" cheesy I know, but come on! If your dad's a superhero it's practically a requirement.

"Hello there, father dearest," I say, picking up the phone.

"Hey there sweetie, how's Decathlon?" He asked.

"Well, we haven't compet-"

"That's great, here's what I need you to do."

"How wonderful, my dad only calls me when he needs something," I chuckled, I could practically hear his eyes rolling.

"Okay look, I know you're still on that Vulture case that I specifically told you not to be," He stated. I started fumbling with my dollar bill.

"Whaaaat? Dad, I think you're going crazy. Oh dear, have you stopped taking your Exelon again?"

"Y/N I don't have Alzheimer's, you know thi-"

"I guess I'll have to call the doctor, tell him you need some sort of drug to help you remember to take your meds. It's hard taking care of an old decrepit man," I sighed leisurely, pulling out another dollar bill as I grabbed MJ's Raisinets.

"Ok, Y/N you've had your fun. Now in all seriousness, I need you guys to stop this investigation. I got it all under control, called the FBI this morning and they're on it. So tell your little boyfriend he can chill out," He said.

"Dad, he's not my boyfriend," I said as I grabbed the rest of my junk food. "Even though I wouldn't mind if he was..." I mumbled.

"Whatever, just tell Bug Boy what I told you," He said and hung up. I made my way up the stairs with my bounty. I had grabbed some M&M's for Ned and Peter, on arrival at their door I heard talking and someone typing at a computer. I walked inside uninvited;

"Alright, I'm coming in. I better not see anything that I-" I dropped my snacks and wallet in horror. Peters suit, the one I had designed, the one that took me months of programming was being dissected. "Oh my God!" I pushed Peter out of the way and cradled the spandex. "My child, what have these awful boys done to you?"

"Chill Y/N we were just taking out the tracker! You know Mr. Stark had me on this stupid Baby Monitor-"

"I know about the Baby Monitor Protocol!" I cried, never in my life had I been more outraged by something Peter has done.

"You knew? He told you!" Peter whined.

"No, he didn't tell me! Who do you think is the one that coded it! I'm the one who suggested it." I stood up.


"I knew you weren't ready for the rest of the suit so I'm the one that put you on Baby Monitor and Training Wheels!"

"What the Hell is 'Training Wheels'?" Peter asked through gritted teeth.

"Oh wow, that's a lot of restrictions..." Ned mumbled, "Here are the terms; Training wheels restricts the suit to only standard webs, drones, and trackers, everything else is off-limits until the creator of the suit believes it fitting for the user to move on to the next level. Y/N being the creator, is able to lift the restrictions from your suit anytime."

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