Fuck You Parker

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My dad dropped me off on a roof of a building just across the pier and that's where I watched the entire ferry ordeal go down. I was certain the boat would rip Peter right in half if Iron Man hadn't stepped in. I sat on the edge of the building waiting for the two guys to join me and preparing myself for the trouble I was going to get in. Finally after what felt like forever they both found their way up the building.

"Previously on; Peter and Co. screws the pooch," Dad said, lowering himself onto the ground.

"Again with the 'and Co.' and I didn't do anything!" I responded.

"I told you to let him know that we had this handled," He scolded.

"I tried! But we weren't talking and when we were he didn't understand a word I was saying." I said all in one breath he shook his head and spoke again.

"Ok ok fine! You're off the hook." He turned away from me and looked at Peter. "But I still told you to stay away from this but instead you decide to hack into a multi-million-dollar suit so you can sneak around behind my back doing the one thing I told you not to do." Peter was silent for a bit and his breath hitched, he was crying. Wow, I haven't seen him cry since Uncle Ben was in the hospital. I made my way towards him and gently placed my hand on his back.

"I-Is everyone ok?" He choked.

"No thanks to you." Woah way harsh dad.

"No thanks to me?" Peter turned his head to look at my dad and then started walking towards him. "Those weapons were out there and we tried to tell you about it but you didn't listen. None of this would have happened if you woulda just listened to us!" He stormed towards the suit. "If you even cared you'd actually be here." That's when the suit fully opened to reveal a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist; Tony Stark.

"I did listen, kid," He said.

"He's the one who called the FBI..." I chirped up.

"What?" Peter looked back at me. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I tried, I really did try but then we got into that fight about the suit and I tried telling you again this afternoon but then you got detention and-" My sight was becoming slightly foggy.

"Did you know I was the only one who believed in you?" My dad started to raise his voice. "Everyone else said I was crazy to recruit a 14 year old kid-"

"I'm 15."

"No, this where you zip it! Alright? The adult is talking. What if somebody had died tonight? Different story, right, because that's on you. And if you die I feel like that's on me, and that makes me feel bad and you know who else would feel bad? Y/N, because I put her in charge of you. And I don't need my little girl to have this constant regret that she could've saved you! We don't need that on our conscience. Do you understand?"

"Yessir, I'm sorry-" Peter rambled.
I watched them go back and forth about the whole situation and I couldn't help but feel guilty. Guilty that I couldn't tell Peter in time, guilty that I snuck around behind my dads back, and guilty that I wasn't saying anything to defend my friend because I couldn't. I couldn't say anything because my dad was right, he was right about everything.

"- I'm gonna need the suit back." What?

"For how long?" Peter asked, I could tell he was getting nervous.

"Forever," My dad said coldly.

"Dad no!"

"I wasn't talking to you Y/N!"

"You don't understand, please, this is all I have I'm nothing without this suit!" Peter begged.

"If you're nothing without this suit then you shouldn't have it."

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