Say Your Goodbyes

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"Liz! Liz ,wait up..." The girl stopped and turned to me. "I'm sorry about your dad... I know what it's like to lose family members to incarceration. It's really painful." We were standing in front of the trophy cabinet at the end of the school hallway. She had come to collect her things from her locker.

"Thanks Y/N..." She said quietly. For a while we just sat there, awkwardly glancing at each other's shoes, not sure what to say. I was trying to muster up the courage to tell her about homecoming. To apologize for how it seemed. It took me a minute but I finally said something.

"And look about Homecoming, I know how it looked with me and Peter running out like that but I promise you it's-"

"Y/N! It's fine! I could really care less, was I disappointed? Yes. And I kind of resent you for it but I keep replaying the image of what could've been and I just realized that... Peter and I? We don't make sense. He's cute and... strangely muscular but it's almost like I'm dog-sitting a golden retriever. Despite how smart he may be, he is dumber than a rock." She chuckled through a few tears.

"You can say that again... but Liz you can still feel disappointed, you know that right? You don't have to put up a false front. I mean you have a right to be mad at me and Peter." I reassured her.

"I know I do, I mean what he did was really shitty but I think there's something obviously going on with him. I think that's part of the reason why it's hard to be mad at him. I just want him to be able to sort this out." She seems so genuine. She's probably one of the only girls I'd be ok with Peter dating. I mean I would be extremely jealous and hate her with every fiber of my being. But she's cool.

"Yeah... he's been going through some stuff.. but hopefully he's better now."

"That's good. Anyway it didn't take long for me to notice you guys are clearly into each other." She smiled and made eyes at me.

"Yeah, that's more of a one sided thing..." I chuckled.

"Yikes, how'd he take the news? Or does he not know that you don't like him back?" She asked.

"What? No! I'm the one who has feelings that aren't reciprocated."

"Yes and I'm moving to Mars. Oh wait, you're serious?" She started laughing hysterically. "Girl he acts way more into you than you are into him."

"You think?" She nods, "hmm... I will take that into consideration..."

"You're a really good person Y/N."

"It's sad, I was always jealous of you, now I wish I had made more of an effort in becoming your friend instead of resenting you."

"You know it's funny, we have so much in common and yet we are envious of each other." She laughed at the stupidity of it all. "I think I was jealous of you because you're easily the most famous person in this school and yet instead of climbing up the social ladder. And using that fame to be popular you stay true to your friends. Deep down, I think I always knew how shallow I would be in your position." She said with a sad smile.

"I don't think you would be. It's all about the friends who let you be true to yourself and don't constantly bring up how you're different. And I've noticed you have a special talent for finding good friends. Anyway, you wrote down my information, right?" She held a thumbs up. "Perfect. Good luck in Oregon." I smiled and turned to walk away. Perfectly content with our conversation.


I waited at the base of the steps wearing my best pantsuit for the upcoming press conference. I can't believe it! His dream of being an Avenger is coming true!!! I was beyond excited to say the least.

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