Fathers Love

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"Ned? Ned! Ned, can you hear me?!" I groaned at the silence in the intercom. "Great we lost him." Peter put a finger up to his lips and pointed to the abandoned warehouse we stopped in front of. I had FRIDAY test for heat signatures. The heat pattern showed there was movement within the building.

"Alright, let's move out." Peter whispered. We slowly scaled the wall up onto the roof where he quickly but carefully opened one of the vents for us to climb through. We silently crawled through the tunnels, barely letting ourselves breath. Once again he slowly opened the vent again and let us both safely on to the floor. We took a moment to take in our surroundings. Computer screens were everywhere, and it was pitch dark. In the middle of the room sat giant metal wings large enough to carry a man. We heard rustling in the next room over so we crept towards the noise. That's when we entered the room shrouded in darkness looking straight at what I assumed to be him, seated alone at a small table engulfed by pitch black frigid air. I turned straight to Peter as if to say, 'are you seeing what I'm seeing?'.

"Ok so what's gonna happen is-" I paused when I realized I was talking to empty air. "And he's gone. So much for a surprise attack."

"Hey! Surprised?" He shouted at the man, startling him.

"Oh hey Pete, I didn't hear you come in."

"It's over, I got you." Peter said fiercely.

"You know... I gotta tell you Pete. I really, really admire your grit." I stayed hidden in the shadows. If Peter didn't have a plan I had to come up with one soon. "I see why Liz likes you. I do. When you first came to the house I wasn't sure, I thought 'Really? This guy?' but I get it now."

"How could you do this to her?" Great question Peter, now I can finally get some intel on this guy.

"To her? I'm not doing anything to her, Pete, I'm doing this for her." Bingo. They continued their conversation.

"Friday..." I whispered, "I need you to change my voice."

"You got it Ms. Stark. To whom?"

"Liz Allen, she's a girl in my school." Her photo popped up on the screen as a confirmation. "That's her." Show time. I noticed that Peter had webbed him to the table so I took that as my chance.

"Dad?" They both looked my way and I stepped forward so they could see me.

"Liz?" He was dumbfounded.

"Dad... I can't be the cause of this. I don't want to be the cause of this." Acting skills are on point, damn.

"You're- You're Anode? No... it can't be..."

"Why are you doing this?" I cried. "Tell me!" Someone scout me already jeez.

"For you and your mom! It's always been about you, our FAMILY!"

"Our family was damned the second you started this mess! How long?" Thank you so much for this Oscar. I'd like to thank my dad for making this possible and FRIDAY for the voice change-

He narrowed his eyes, "Show me your face." And there it goes.

"No!" We turned to Peter. "I-I mean, why would she want to?"

"Because I'm her father. Now show your face or I'll come over there and rip that mask off myself."

"You're attached to the table, you can't hurt her." That's when he held up the pocket knife in his other hand and cut through the web in one swift movement.

"Well this has been a nice chat Pete and thank you for giving me the time I needed to get her airborne." He pressed a button and within two seconds the pair of wings flew through the door going straight for Peter. "Now, let's see what we got here." He made his way toward me but before I could get away a piece of rubble flew to my torso, courtesy of the giant vulture wings flying around, and hit me straight in the ribs.

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