First Un-Official Mission

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May drove us to Liz's house and she was looking at all the huge houses and big lawns. Ned was in the backseat hyping up Peter, and I was glumly glancing back at them then at May and then ahead again. This sight pattern I performed went on until we got to the house.

"House parties in the suburbs, aww I remember these!" May recollected, "Kind of jealous, honestly."

"It'll be a night to remember." Ned smiled.

"Yeah no kidding," I grumbled, still confused about how I got myself into this. Peter could expose his identity and in the process expose me as Anode. May chuckled a bit and then continued to talk to Ned.

"Ned, some hats wear men but you wear that hat." I had to agree with that. The hat was a good look.

"Yeah, it gives me confidence." May hummed in agreement. Ok, that was precious, what is up with all my guy friends being adorable?

"This is a mistake," Peter said. "Hey let's just go home." I couldn't agree more.

"Oh Peter, I know, I know it's really hard trying to fit in, with all the changes your body is going through." May no. NONONONONONO STOP. GIRL IN THE CAR MAY THERE IS A GIRL IN THE CAR. "It's flowering now..." Oh good God. I sunk lower into my seat wanting to turn into dust right then and there.

"Uh-huh," Peter chuckled lightly and licked his lips turning back to the window.

"He's so stressed out lately." May inquired, Peter was still chuckling a bit.

"What helps with stress is going to a party, so we should go to the party." Ugh, guess we're going.

"Yeah I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go." Peter undid his seat belt and stepped out of the car.

"Ok well you two do that I gotta talk to Y/N, you know she's being appointed chaperone and all." I laughed at Peter's face and then turned to May, "And Peter, have fun, ok?"

"I will." He nodded. Ned waved goodbye then headed inside.

"Y/N... how are you feeling?" She took my hand.

"I'm fine," I sighed.

"Peter told me about Liz, and you're his best friend so I assume you know." I looked down into my lap.

"Yeah, yeah, I know..."

"You know, you don't have to go to this thing. I can drive you back to the apartment and we'll have a girl's night." I slipped a few fingers under my jacket to feel the material of my suit. I had brought it with me to make it look like Spider-Man and Anode were just doing patrol or something. I then looked back up to May, part of me really wanted to tell her the mess Peter had gotten himself into, and my own concerns. But I couldn't, that would put her at risk.

"I'm ok, I'll go in. The boys need a chaperone anyway," I chuckled.


Liz's house was nice, really nice, it was filled with historical pieces from around the world, and if you looked past all the drunken teenagers it was actually pretty sweet. I came through the entrance and saw Peter and Ned talking to someone. I didn't know who it was at first but as I got closer I could tell it was MJ. I thought she wasn't coming... By the time I caught up to them Michelle had left and they were talking to Liz.

"I'm so happy you guys came!" She said, then I walked up next to Peter, "Oh hey Y/N" She smiled, I smiled back. "There's pizza and drinks so help yourself."

"WhAt a great partY." That voice crack was painful to sit through. Oh good Lord, Thor, if you can somehow read my thoughts. Please do me a favor and blast this boy with lightning. Thank you! Then there was this really awkward pause, I was about to say something when we heard something crash.

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