Pre-Spidey Senses

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Authors Note: From now on the story will be told from your point of view. (And maybe Peter's but I haven't decided yet)

"I can't believe it! Midtown Science and Technology the most prestigious school in New York and we're about to attend it..." Peter looks at me excitedly,

"I know Peter, you've been talking about it all summer," I say very unenthusiastically because we've already had this conversation three times this morning. First when he picked me up from Avengers Tower, second when we were walking to the subway, and third when we were on the actual subway. We start walking towards the door when all of a sudden Peter stops in his tracks. I turn around to see him blinking wide-eyed at the building. His chocolate brown eyes peeking through his glasses, marveling at the school in front of us.

"I don't deserve to be here." He turns around and starts walking away, I run back to him and turn him around,

"Oh no, you don't. I did not spend three months of my life hearing you ramble at how amazing this school is, just to see you chicken out on your first day." I say forcing him towards the door.

"Y/N I'm going to walk in there and see all these smart scientist kids, and I'm going to look like a complete idiot!" He sits on the floor in front of the school. He looks really nervous, I sat down next to him and turned his face towards mine. Staring into his eyes, trying not to get lost in the beauty of them.

"Peter Benjamin Parker. Don't you dare dummy yourself down, you're the smartest guy I know, and I have Tony Stark as a dad. For all I know you're smarter than him! Don't tell him I said that..." Peter chuckles lightly and takes my hand and squeezes it. "There is no doubt in my mind that when you go in there, it's going to feel like home. And besides, I'm going to be here with you every step of the way."

"How did I get so lucky to get a best friend like you?" He looks at me and smiles.

"I know, I know, I'm amazing. Now come on! I want to see Ned and MJ before school starts." we both get up and walk to the door.

"I can't wait to see all the sciency ga-" Peter and I stop abruptly, we opened the door to see lockers lined up and students bustling from door to door. And there, right in the middle of the hallway is the biggest jerk I've ever known.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Peter looks to me,

"Flash Thompson in the middle of a hallway in a school full of nerds?" I say, my eyes not leaving the middle point of the hallway where Flash stood.

"Yup," Peter mutters.

"Yeah no, imma head out." I turn around to walk out the door but Peter stops me. I glare at him, "If you think I'm going to go to school with Flash again! You have another thing coming. How'd he even get in? He's so stupid!"

"Midtown Science and Tech is not only a school for the gifted. It also reserves bragging rights for rich parents who have untalented kids." Peter and I look over to our side and see MJ leaning against the wall.

"That's my girl!" I walk over to her pointing finger guns at her, and say in a fake British accent "Tell me, darling, how have you been over these three months." she puts her arm around me and responds back in a bad British accent as well, "absolutely marvelous, but it was quite atrocious when you went to Germany for a week!" She sighs dramatically and puts a hand on her forehead.

I look at Peter, "Peter I've changed my mind I'm staying, MJ needs back up." Peter was laughing shook his head "You guys are so weird."

"And proud to be it!" I yell,

"Here here!" MJ responds,

"Yeah yeah whatever.." He smiles his dorky smile, and I can feel the butterflies erupt in my stomach again. I look behind him and see a tan-skinned boy with what looked like a lego figure in his hand. He places it onto Peter's shoulder.

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