Beck and Call

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Y/N's Pov

Finally it was Friday, the Homecoming game was tonight and the dance tomorrow. Usually MJ, Ned, Peter, and I would skip the game unless Peter was in the marching band that night. This year though, considering he's no longer in the marching band, we're there because of Michelle. She's on tech crew and we thought we could take the opportunity to show our school spirit for once. The entire day was boring and uneventful. All I could think about was my fake-date with Peter the night prior, and how horribly amazing it was. It seems as though every time I tell myself it's time to move on Peter always does something unforgettable that makes me fall right back in love. He was a drug I kept falling off the wagon for. This time though,I need a distraction, I need to move on to someone new and different, I won't relapse this time I can't. My thoughts were interrupted when MJ came to talk to me in the hallway. We were on our free period and had agreed that morning to meet up and go to the cafeteria.

"Hey," She greeted me.

"Hello there."

"So... you got a date for Homecoming yet?" It was a typical question this time of year.

"No, Ned is going as a lone bachelor, and Peter is going with Liz, so that leaves my only option to be anyone who asks me."

"So then may I oblige in asking you?"

"Sure, honestly at this point going with friends is probably my best option," I stated lamely, glancing around at the few other people walking through the hallways.

"No, I meant, as my date... like... romantically." I looked at her, wide eyed with shock. I mean I always found MJ attractive and sure I've had a little crush on her from time to time but nothing could have prepared me for this. I always had a feeling she was... well hold on.

"Wait, are you...?"

"Bi. Now, your answer?" She smiled warmly. To finish my sentence; I always had a feeling she was bisexual but I never would've thought that I would find out like this. Don't get me wrong I've definitely thought about it before, like when I was insecure about Peter. I guess this is all new territory, but hey, there's a first time for everything.

"Well then, yes. What's the dress theme?" I asked.

"Sunflowers, but I call wearing the dress I wore to eighth grade formal since I don't feel like shopping, so you can't borrow that, sorry." She laughed.

"Ugh you suck, but it's fine I prefer pant suits anyway."

"Corset top?" She guesses.

"You know me so well."


A few hours after school Ned, Peter, and I met up at the football field and found a place on the bleachers. I brought a book and they brought a lego set so we could all be kept entertained. Football wasn't really our thing, we were scientists, not athletes.

I couldn't help but notice Peter was stealing glances at me every chance he could. He was clearly struggling to ask me something.

"Spit it out." I said not looking up from They Both Die At The End.

"Huh? Haha wh-what are you talking about?" Ned rolled his eyes at the stuttering mess of a boy that we called our friend. I set my book down, dog earring the page, before looking over at Peter.

"You clearly want to ask me something. What is it?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Well it's just that, well I just wanted to know if you had a date for Homecoming?"

"I do." My answer, very obviously, threw them off.

"You do?" Ned asked in disbelief.


"Well I just didn't think you would go with anyone," He said.

"What's that supposed to mean, Leeds?" I asked, taken aback.

"Well I just thought because Pe-" He quickly shot a look at Peter reminding himself not to expose me. "PeeeeeABLO, Pablo, I figured because Pablo didn't ask you to go that you wouldn't have gone." Nice one.

"Who is Pablo?"

"No one, Pete, don't worry about it," I chuckled nervously.

"Why didn't you tell me about him?" He gave me a look of what seemed like insecurity.

"He's just a guy in my French class who I thought was cute. Nothing special."

"Oh ok..."


Happy dropped me off at school a few hours after the football game. There were flyers that read "80s Rock Out!" with tacky designs around it. Flashing lights were coming from the gym and streamers and balloons were flying everywhere. Teenagers.

I met MJ at the doors where she took my hand and led me to the dance floor. Ned was waiting for us there. We danced and stole Ned's hat and laughed for an hour before the first slow song came on. Classic, cheesy, "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran, the song everybody loves but also hates at the same time. It feels like a fever dream as you drift off into romance and the urge to puke because of the disgusting feeling of love. The perfect song... no pun intended.

I was having a lot of fun with MJ as my date. I was comfortable with her in a romantic setting. If I'm being honest though there's something about it that didn't feel right. I mean I was attracted to her and I liked her a little more than a friend but-

"I'm gonna be honest with you," She said, looking into my eyes. What could this be about? "I like you. I mean I really really like you. I have for a long time. But I know that you'll never like me the way you do Parker."

"What? I-I don't have a thing for Parker." I blatantly denied it, I didn't want her to know. I only told Ned out of necessity, I didn't want anyone else finding out at school because it's kind of embarrassing. I mean I'm supposed to be this idol, this strong feminist leader to young children and here I am following a man's beck and call just because I like him.

"Please Y/N there's no point in denying it is so obvious. Which is why I know that you won't like me in that-"

"MJ no-"

"-Lemme finish- I know you won't like me the way you like Peter and I'm ok with it! You know why? Because I'm very observant, and I know a special bond when I see one, and I'm sure you've heard this before but sooner or later that dumb boy is gonna accept that bond and finally ask you out. So basically what I'm saying is-"

"You ship Peter and I more than you like me?" I interjected again.

"Well I was gonna say it more delicately than that! ...But yeah pretty much." We laughed and hugged. "I swear, though, if you guys never get together and I just gave you up for nothing I'm gonna lose my shit." She said in between giggles.

Just then we noticed Liz come into the dance but without Peter. That's weird... weren't they driving together? A few seconds later Peter walked into the building and quickly acknowledged Liz and then came straight to me.

"Y/N I need to talk to you... like now, meet me in the hallway." And with that he ran off.

"OH MY IT'S HAPPENING! I-I mean go get 'em girlie, OMG, have fun." Michelle quickly tried to cover her embarrassment and excitement.

"Please never say 'girlie' or 'O.M.G' ever again..."

"Hated it the moment I said it. Now go!!" She shooed me away. I left the gym --the dirty looks from Liz and her friends did not go unnoticed-- to go find Peter. Part of me did wish that this was really about me and Peter's relationship, but I knew that it was probably about Spider-Man. I waited in the cold dark hallway for two minutes until a dark figure ran over to me in blue and red sweats. I tried to hold in my laughter but it hardly worked. Peter, as usual, ignored my antics.

"Ok I don't have much time to explain but basically the flying-vulture-guy is Liz's dad! He's going to hijack Mr. Stark's plane, so if you don't change into your suit in like two minutes we're gonna be in big trouble." This ceased my laughter immediately and I quickly sprang into action. Couldn't this have waited until AFTER Homecoming?

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