Insecurities, Brat Pack, and May

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Later that day I went over to Peter's so we could go over the syllabus for our classes, also to celebrate our first day of high school. I was a little nervous because I knew May was going to bombard us with questions, and Peter would definitely tell her what happened that morning. May is usually pretty chill, I just don't know how she'll react when she hears that I punched someone in the face on the first day.

We arrive at Peter's apartment complex, I step ahead of him going towards the elevator and pressing my thumb against the arrow that was pointing up. He was treading behind me, he had told me on the walk here he was extremely tired, I sympathized with him because I was tired too.

We stepped on to the elevator and pressed the floor number. And then out of nowhere I just... lean my head on his shoulder. I don't know where this romanticizing confidence came from, but I wasn't that mad about it. I stand like that for a few seconds when I see chestnut curls come in front of my eyes, and I felt the warmth of someone's cheek resting on my head. It made my stomach erupt with butterflies.

"Gosh, today was a long day, huh?" He says at a whisper,

"It sure was..." I sigh, releasing a much needed breathe of air, otherwise, I was going to pass out from the excitement of his head resting on me.

He picks up his head and looks at me,

"What was your favorite class today?" I lift my head to look at him,

"That's too hard of a decision."

"How is that a hard decision?" He questions me,

"Because in physics we have an amazing teacher, and she's so articulate and explains everything so clearly," I say with a smile on my face, "and then chemistry is awesome! That's pretty self-explanatory," Peter nods agreeing with me as I continue with my explanation, "and then there's English... with Mr. McDreamy as our teacher," Peter scoffs as we walk out of the elevator,

"You like English? Dude that teacher is such a weirdo he's like 'get in touch with our inner spirit' and 'Y/N that was a beautiful point! Thank you so much for enlightening me, I can feel our aura's connecting'. I mean come on! The guy was speaking gibberish."

"You think he's weird I think he's philosophical..." I say with a sigh,

"Yeah, if his philosophy is How to be A Nut Job 101." He chuckles at the joke he just made while reaching for the apartment keys in his back pocket. As he fiddles with the lock I think back to my little boost of confidence earlier. It only lasted for a few seconds, but God did it make me realize how underrated seconds were. I mean anything could happen in just a single second... no matter how big or small, like shaking someone's hand, or blasting an alien with your dad's suit, or maybe just the simple way you can look into someone's eyes and instantly fall in love. Isn't that amazing?

"May I'm home! I brought Y/N." My thoughts were interrupted by Peter's voice,

"How was school you two?" May was standing in the hallway cheery, and eagerly looking between me and Peter.

"It was amazing May, except for when I found out Y/N has a crush on our English teacher." He fake gags, I roll my eyes playfully and turn to Aunt May.

"So what's so special about this teacher?" she raises an eyebrow and grins a wide grin. She was so beautiful, sometimes I feel like a goddess is just staring right at me, blessing me with her presence.

"Well in class today he said, 'In this class, we're going to be finding our identity, this is important because our identity is like a diamond, it's strong, it's priceless, it's beautiful, and most importantly it must be protected.' It was so dreamy, and he's like this really laid back kinda guy." Aunt May looked at me and put a hand on her chest,

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