The Chitauri

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"Waddaleddwaddaledwaddaledewaddalede-" Shit. Our cover's blown. I quickly stood up and ran to the edge of the bridge taking a big leap and ending up landing on the van. Peter swung down from his position after silencing his phone.

"Hey! Hey, come on, if you're gonna shoot at something shoot at me." This dumb bitch-

"Alright." One of the dealers said. Peter shot a web out and it retracted the gun. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that the buyer was getting away but that was the least of our problems.

"FRIDAY switch mode to shock hit." I straightened my arm out and got on one knee pivoting around to make sure I can keep eyes on the other guy who was nowhere to be seen. That was until I saw him punch Peter in the face with an electrical gauntlet thing. I started shooting beanie-guy from behind causing him to stagger a bit until his pal saved him by pulling him out of the way of my firing. After a few seconds of me trying to look for them, I felt the van move unexpectedly. It flung me towards the back of the van's roof but I managed to keep my grip. Right when I was stable again the van jostled no thanks to Peter's webs. The pull caused me to stumble farther back to the point where I was hanging on the back of it. "Watch it Spider-Man!" I yelped, and then I heard a cackle from underneath me and realized what was about to happen. And then it happened, one of the dealers was still in the back of the van and used the shock-gauntlet thing to punch me off of it. Due to the impact, and force of the electric waves I was sent back flying onto the road.

"Y- Anode!" Peter yelled, still holding on to the web. Luckily, Natasha had equipped me for situations like these. I tucked my head into my chest and curled myself up a bit making me somersault onto the pavement. I reached my hand out to stabilize my body weight on my feet once I landed.

"Don't let go of that web!" I kneeled and stuck my arm out. "FRIDAY switch mode to direct." I heard clicks signifying the change of mode. Aiming my fist towards one of the tires, I tapped the small button and a shot of light went straight towards the rubber. But at the last second, Peter had skidded in front of the blast and it hit his web.

"Dammit!" He grunted, I started running towards the car again.

"Haha! It's no use little girl, you'll never catch up!" And with that, he slammed the car doors.

"Peter, web me!" I heard a whiz fly right by my ear. I knew that was the web. I quickly grabbed onto it and, somehow, defeating all purposes of physics, I had calculated it correctly and it shot me right to the back of the van. I stuck the end of the web to the backdoors so Peter could stay close behind. I heard a crash and looked behind me, Peter had run into a trash can while he was holding on for dear life.

"Hey, do you think you could hurry this up?" He yelled, trying to crawl his way up the web.

"I'm trying!" I yelled and started climbing up the back of the van. I finally got on top of the van and slowly but surely crawled my way up to the front. I heard the van doors swing open, the beanie guy had taken one of their blasters and started shooting at Peter. "Dammit, Pete," I muttered, and started crawling faster. Every time the guy shot at Peter the van would shake. I decided to use that to my advantage. Ok Y/N when the van shakes again you're going to break through the first window and try and hit the second guy. The other one is too preoccupied with Peter. Let's hope that stays that way. Once I got to the front of the vehicle I realized I needed more momentum than just the van shaking. Hoping and praying that the guys won't pay any mind to me I called out to Peter, "WEB ME!" I heard another whiz and reached my hand out to catch the web. Once I did I stuck it to the corner of the van, stood up at a diagonal, and as if it were fate the van jostled. I took that as my chance and burst straight through the window, the driver naturally took this by surprise and freaked out causing the vehicle to swerve. He was on the phone with somebody, I didn't know who. I raised my fist up to him and my wrists started to glow. "I'm going to ask you this one time, how are you making these weapons?"

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