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"When are you going to tell Peter that you're Duckie and he's Andie?" she states bluntly,

"How long have you known?" I sigh, embarrassed that she figured it out,

"Ever since it started," she let out a soft chuckle. Oh God not only does she know, but she's also known all along,

"Why didn't you say anything about it?" She took a second to respond until finally,

"Because it was new, and I just thought it was one of those things that would fade away, but it doesn't seem like it has." She put her coat on as we stepped out of the building,

"You didn't tell-"

"Oh God no! I would never do that, he's smart he'll figure it out someday... I think... he's pretty oblivious at times." I laugh at her little remark,

"Unless I tell him first,"

"Are you going to tell him?" she turns her head to look at me,

"I don't know May... I don't think he's ever going to see me like that." I look down to my feet,

"Y/N, I wouldn't be surprised if he woke up one day, and ran into my room to tell me he was in love with you." We turn the corner down to the pizza place,

"Never going to happen." I chuckle, "Besides, I think MJ has a thing for him..."

"Yeah, but you don't know that for sure now do you?" I nod at the possibility that she could be right, "And anyway, I've seen the way he looks at you. He may not realize it now but he will. You know why?" I shake my head a little confused, "It's because there is no one else in this world who he trusts more, he's always so smiley when you're around, he's always laughing when you crack a joke. I don't think he realizes it but he is definitely in love with you."

"You think so?" I look at her with a bit of ope in my tone,

"Oh honey, I know so. Besides I'm rooting for you two so it better happen." We laughed as we placed our order for our pizza.


May and I got back, with hot pizza in our hands, the smell was making me so hungry. We walked into the apartment to see Peter, Ned, and MJ sitting on the couch. Ned and Peter were most-likely having a conversation about Star Wars meanwhile MJ has got her nose stuck in a  book.

"We're back!" May says cheerfully, we set the pizzas on the dining room table, "Well I'll let you kids have fun," she says turning her head towards her bedroom door.

"May, why don't you join us? I mean it's not every day your nephew starts high school and you have every right to celebrate." I say,

"You know what... I think I will join you," she said with a smile on her face,


"That was a really good movie, I'm glad you convinced me to watch it." Peter looked at me with a big smile on his face,

"Yeah well now you know it's not just some chick flick." I laughed as we walked down the hall to the elevator, "God highschool... It's hard to believe." I sigh and look up at him,

"Yeah, it feels like only yesterday we were playing with legos in Ms. Smith's kindergarten classroom." he smiled and looked down in remembrance of the memory of us piecing together a little space ship,

"That was the best day of my life... for obvious reasons." I nod to the ground,

"Yeah, because we found each other." he chuckled,

"Actually it was because I had chicken nuggets packed in my lunch that day but you can interpret it how you want." I laughed as he playfully punched me in the arm, we walked into the elevator and pressed the lobby floor number. My mind trailed back to our heads leaning on each other... I was still amazed by how confident I was being. Then I realized how painfully obvious my crush on him was and it kind of hurt to know that he was so oblivious to it.

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