Iron Father With His Not-So Iron Heart

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Peter and I were sitting on top of the roof, waiting for something interesting to happen. The only thing we've stopped was a guy who was shoplifting and stole someone's bike. We couldn't find the owner so we left it beside a small shop and Spidey-Boy here left a note. It was a cute little touch, so precious.

"Let's spar," I said, looking over to him.

"What... Like, now?" he looked at me, confused.

"Yeah, I haven't gotten the chance to use my suit to its full potential and that was the point of you bringing me on your rounds. So let's spar." I stood up from my sitting position and reached a hand out for him.

"I don't know..."

"What, are you scared?" He was silent for a moment. "Are you scared of me, Spidey?" I winked, he took my hand and stood up.

"What did I tell you about calling me Spidey?"

"Hey! You call me 'Bunny' of all things, I have a right to call you Spidey." He laughed and pulled his mask over his face, as did I. We went on opposite sides of the roof and got into a ready position. "Alright, three, two, one. Go!" And with that, we ran towards each other. I faked an upper attack and slid down, causing my legs to ram right into his ankles making him trip and fall on his chest. He turned over so he could get up but I pinned him on the ground.

"Looks like I win," I smirked and started taking off his mask.

"You always win." He smiled and rolled his eyes after his mask was removed.

"I mean, I'm not complaining," I say, rolling on to my back and taking off my mask. "And it's just because you aren't there yet, but trust me when you are I'll tell you." Peter groaned, and turned to his side to look at me.

"But Y/N I swear I'm ready! You saw me in action today for the very first time. What did you think?" I stood up to stretch.

"Sloppy," I said sitting back down.

"What?" He sat up.

"I thought you were sloppy. Your heart was in the right place but come on, Peter, you face-planted three times. You couldn't find the owner of that stolen bike, and do we have to mention the guy you thought was stealing a car?" Peter looked down at his hands, I could tell that I hurt his feelings and maybe his ego. "But I understand it's hard, I mean you don't have enough space to practice your swinging and you haven't had any actual missions-"

"Y/N I get it. I'm not good enough."

"Hey. Don't twist my words." I warned, "I never said that."

"Yeah but you implied it. Look Y/N not everyone can be as perfect as you, ok?" He said harshly.

"Peter Benjamin Parker." He looked up at me, we sort of have this unspoken rule that if one of us uses the other's full name they need to stay quiet and listen. "I am far from perfect. I never said I was perfect. No one can be perfect, it's impossible. You are way better than me in many different aspects. And it's okay to not be good at certain things, you can always get better at those. I'm sorry if I came across as rude, that was one-hundred-percent not my intention."

"Can I speak now?" I nodded for him to continue, "I know you're not perfect, and I know I'm not perfect. And I'm sorry, I overreacted a bit, I just don't understand... I mean your dad trusted me to take on Captain America but it's like he doesn't believe in me to become an actual Avenger." We stayed silent for a bit after that.

"Peter, that couldn't be farther from the truth. He's always asking me about your reports on Spider-Man. He wants you to become an Avenger, he wants you to be part of the team." Peter turned his head toward me, giving me a soft smile.

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