Red and Blue

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Peter was taken to the hospital and got released early because the spider bite didn't do anything drastic. And we both ended up getting detention for straying so far away from the group, other than that whole fiasco, everything was normal. That was until Peter gave me a worrying voicemail telling me to come over immediately because he quote, 'woke up feeling strange' and needs me to come over. Part of me wondered if this had anything to do about the spider, while the other part wondered if this was the day where Peter finally woke up and realized that he views me more than a friend. Of course, that was a silly idea but a girl could dream...

Instead of May opening the door where she would sweetly welcome me in and offer me one of her burnt baked goods. I was dragged in by my wrist and basically thrown on to the couch by a hand that definitely was not May's. I quickly jumped off the couch swinging my leg across the neck of the figure that was standing over me. The weight of my body caused the unknown man to land on the ground in front of him making me pin him down.

"Ahh, Y/N!" I looked down to see that the figure was Peter, except he didn't look as he usually did.

"Dude, don't scare me like that," I sighed, relieved that it wasn't a sex trafficker or anyone dangerous. Which I know sounds dramatic, but in this day in age, I'm ready for anything. I get off of Peter and help him up. Wait a second... somethings not right... Peter and I had always been at eye-level, we are- well I guess were the same height, but now he's a few inches taller.

"Did you... grow?" I looked up at him, for the first time in my life,

"Uh yeah... I guess so? Look I don't really know what happened but all I know is that I woke up and- and-" he stops and notices that I cannot stop staring at him, "Uh... Y/N?"

"Holy shit you got hot." I clasped a hand over my mouth immediately regretting the life decisions that had to lead me to this moment. Peter's face was flushing red, "And where are your glasses? Dude what happened to your face?! I could cut bread with that jawline, and- wait is that your arm?!" I stared wide at Peter's bicep, which had significantly increased in size.

"I-uh wha-? I-I don't know, w-wait a second are you trying to say I wasn't attractive before?" he furrows his brows and crosses his arms causing them to flex a bit,

"No! That's not what I meant- I mean- I thought that you were nice looking, not that I like you or anything- but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like you if you were Liz- I mean if I were Liz, not that you're a girl or want to be a girl. I mean, not saying that you couldn't be a girl if you wanted too I'm just saying you don't seem like the type to be trans. Not saying that that's not your choice or anything- You know what? I'm just gonna stop talking before I say something offensive..."

"Y/N that's not the weirdest part..." he looks down at me and walks towards the wall very slowly, naturally I'm very confused,

"Wow so weird... you're walking to a wall." I say rolling my eyes.

"No, Watch!" I look at him intently as he places his fingertips on the wall with his right hand, and then slowly puts his left hand a little above the other,

"Oh my God hurry up!" I groan, "This better be cool, like a secret door or something." Peter shoots me a glare as he places his foot on the side of the wall, "Pete what are you doing?" I laugh, but then he starts lifting his other leg onto the wall and he's somehow sticking. He starts scaling the wall barely holding on using just his fingertips.

"Ok, I have to try that." I run over towards the wall taking my socks and shoes off, and before Peter says anything I try to climb the wall. And no thanks to the laws of physics, I fall to my possible death that is until something catches me mid-air.

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