Just A Typical School Day

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A/N: It's back to Y/N's perspective. Let me know if you like going to Peter's POV.

Y/N's POV:

The school day went by pretty fast this particular Monday. It was just one of those days everything flowed together. For example; First period was physics.

"Ok, so, how do we calculate linear acceleration between points A and B?" Flash and I shot our hands up, forgetting that I was on question probation until further notice. I kept answering all the problems and not letting other students have a chance to learn. The teacher gave me a warning look, "Flash."

"It's the product of sine of the angle and gravity divided by the mass," Flash responded. I rolled my eyes and gave the teacher a pleading look to call on me, but instead, she called on Peter.

"Nope. Peter," I look back to see him look up from his laptop, "you still with us?" He closed the screen to get a look at the board.

"Uh... uh yeah.." he fidgeted with his pencil a bit, "erm... mass cancels out so it's just gravity times sine." Thank God he got that right if I had to sit through one more wrong answer I would burst.

"Right. See Flash, being the fastest isn't always the best if you are wrong," the teacher gave him a dirty look, and the whole class erupted in laughter.

Second period was chemistry.

"Today we're going to be talking about a Danish physicist Niels Bohr and trust me there's nothing Bohr-ing about his discovery regarding quantum theory," the teacher concluded. I made sure to pay attention because Peter was busy making his web fluid and he would definitely ask me for the notes later.

Rrrring. Lunch:

"Did Liz get a new top?" Peter said, his face leaning against his palm.

"No... we've seen that before but never with that skirt," Ned responded in a daze.

"Hmm," Peter hummed, "we should probably stop staring before it gets creepy though..." he slurred.

"Too late," Michelle said, I tried not to giggle, "You guys are losers." At that point I was laughing hysterically.

"Then why do you sit with us?" Ned snapped back.

"Because Y/N sits with you and she's my only friend," she replied. Ned rolled his eyes and sighed.

"So who are you guys taking to Homecoming?" Ned asked. I groaned at the question.

"Must we talk about Homecoming every time we sit at this table?" I asked.

"Yes! I gotta make sure none of your guy's' dates mess up the group dynamic!" he sighed. "So... you got anyone in mind?" He looked at me with a curious smile.

"Um..." I trailed off and looked at Peter who was still gazing at Liz, "Well... I have one person."

"Great! Who is it?" Ned said. I didn't take my eyes off Peter. It hurt to see him swoon for someone else. "Oh, oh no..." I heard Ned mumble.

"What?" I said, turning my head to face him.

"Nothing. I'll tell you later," he said quickly looking back at his sandwich. That was weird... "What about you Michelle?" She just rolled her eyes and flipped him off continuing her book. Classic MJ... Then lunch was over.

"You can't like him," Ned sneaked on me in the hallway.

"Jesus, Ned, you can't sneak up on me like that," I say, putting a hand on my chest.

"You can't like him!" He repeated.

"Who are you talking about? Who can't I like?" I asked, genuinely confused.

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