Press Conferences for Dummies

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Ugh why does my head hurt...? White lights leaked through my eyelids, throwing me off for a split second before making out two figures.

"Oh my God Y/N I'm so sorry are you ok?" Peter gushed, checking my pulse, as Mr. Harrington stood over him with a worried look. He wasn't wearing his suit so it must've been a few hours after Washington. 

"I'm fine. God, let me breathe will ya?" I chuckled as I tried to sit up.

"We're glad you're alright Y/N." My teacher smiled, "Can't have anyone dying on a school trip... not again." His smile dropped and he let out a sad sigh as he left the room.

"Ok then... Peter where am I?" My eyes darted from place to place everything seemed so clean. The lights were giving me a headache.

"You're in George Washington University Hospital, Flash pushed you into the elevator when I was helping everyone out. I tried catching you. I really did! Oh God it's all my fault, I'm so sorry. I should've caught you, I was right there I could've caught you!"

"Peter I'm fine! Now where's my phone? I need to call my dad." I explained getting up and scrambling around the room, ignoring Peter's protests.

"Ms. Potts flew down here, I don't know if that helps or anything I just wanted to let you know..." he sighed and looked at me with a worried expression. I chuckled and walked over to him placing a hand on the side of his face.

"Peter I'm fine," he met my hand with his and continued to look at me as if I had just died and come back to life. "It wasn't that bad of a fall."

"Y/N it knocked you out for like 2 hours," he said, unimpressed.

"It didn't knock me out, I just decided to take a nap that's all." I smiled, turning away from him and grabbing my coat.

"What are you going to tell Ms. Potts? Does she know about Anode?"

"Nope, now get me some aspirin and a dress shirt. I have some explaining to do."


The tiny pill fizzed in the glass, the small sounds of bubbles popping filled my ears as I waited for my cue.

"Y/N you're on in two minutes." Pepper smiled, she had the same look on her face as Peter did when I first woke up.

"I'm fine Pepper, just a little headache that's all."

"You sound like your father," she laughed and checked her watch. "Why did you climb up the Monument with Spider-Man?" She asked as I took a swig of the medicated water.

"Everything will be revealed in a few moments." And with that I got up and carried my glass into the next room. Cameras started flashing immediately and reporters were shouting questions. I held my hand up to silence them and a hush fell over the room. I adjusted the mic and then began to speak.

"I know what you're all wondering, 'Why was the daughter of Tony Stark fraternizing with Spider-Man by climbing the Washington Monument'?" Cameras started clicking again. "And I will only be answering three questions today due to the fact I'm currently inhaling aspirin at an alarming rate." A small chuckle scattered across the room as people started raising their hands. I called on a woman with blonde hair and glasses.

"I'm just gonna come out and say it but why were you scaling the Monument with Spider-Man?" She asked.

"Spider-Man, as reported, is indeed my age and I was appointed his supervisor due to my experience with the Avengers. They figured I would help him feel comfortable with his abilities because of our age group. We were on a mission in DC that was meant to be kept under wraps when the bomb exploded in the elevator. I was already equipped with protection and tools. Next question?" A man with slicked back hair and a pink button up shirt raised his hand.

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