An Old Project

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It's been a year since that day, freshman year was a breeze until my Iron Father got into a political argument with Mr. Star Spangled Banner causing the Avengers to split up. Which now means that Natasha and Wanda no longer live with me, Clint is now on house arrest, Sam is God knows where, and Steve and my dad aren't currently talking. All thanks to that freaking Snow Nazi, James Buchanan Barnes. Which, don't get me wrong, according to Steve he sounds like a really great guy. However, considering he killed my grandma and grandpa before I could meet them he isn't on my Top Five Favorite People list. However that's not the only problem with my sophomore year, Peter has been using his suit non-stop ever since he got it. He goes on patrol every night as Spider-Man and tells Ned and Michelle it's a "Stark Internship". He barely hangs out with us anymore. It's really disappointing. Oh yeah Ned, MJ, and May still don't know Peter is Spider-Man. Which is surprising, since he's awful at hiding it. I cannot express how many times May has walked into his room right when his suit is thrown carelessly on the floor. It internally pains me to see millions of dollars worth of technology sprawled out on the dirty rug.

"Can you stop flinging your suit around? You know there's a thing called a hanger, it's pretty useful, you should try it sometime." I say picking up his suit and shaking it out.

"Not right now Y/N. It was a long patrol. It's late, and I'm exhausted. What are you even doing here? It's like 10 o'clock, shouldn't you be home?" He says flopping onto his bottom bunk and burying his face into his pillow.

"My dad wants me to check on you to make sure you're using the suit well."

"Why?" He shoots up from his spot on the bed, "Is he considering making me an Avenger?!" He bounces on the balls of his feet. I sighed, grabbing a hanger from his closet and hooking his suit on it.

"I see you only use me for your fantasy to become an Avenger,"

"What? No!"

"It's alright, it's alright I always knew this day would come!" I sigh dramatically and put his suit in his closet.

"Y/N nooooo!" He laughs.

"It's fine... here's a hundred dollars you're probably going to start asking for these every week so might as well start now!" I take out my wallet and extract a Benjamin.

"Oh my God Y/N you're so dramatic," he wraps me into a hug and pulls me on his bed,

"If you're doing what I think you're doing I will not hesitate to sucker punch you in the face." I laugh looking down so he doesn't see how red my face is.

"Um hello? Spidey sense? You won't be able to even touch my face." He takes pride in his sixth sense.

"The arrogance radiating from you is astronomical," I chuckle, "now let me go otherwise Happy is going to call me and he's going to be all grumpy and nasty."

"Ok, ok, but not before I tickle you!" all of a sudden the feeling of his soft fingertips crawled all over my torso. The sound of my obnoxious laughter echoing throughout the apartment.

"Hahahahaha - Peter! Hahahahahhahaha You are- hahahaha, so dead!" I was flailing around in his arms trying to break free. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that May had walked into the room.

"Peter! Y/N has to go home now, you both have school in the morning," she chuckles and ties her hair into a ponytail. Peter lets go of me and I grab my phone off his bedside table.

"Ok well, I'll see you tomorrow Pete!" I walk out of his room as he calls out.

"Bye Y/N!" May turned around to walk me downstairs, where Happy was waiting.

"So, that was quite an intimate tickle fight." Aunt May smirks and wiggles her eyebrows.

"I don't know what you're talking about, he does that all the time!"

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